Cancer Sucks!!!

Ok, I know its a harsh title, but cancer really sucks. I think it probably sucks more than that stupid guy down the street that keeps asking you when your joining the circus.

So my second cousin had a brain tumor removed 4 months ago, my little brother has skin cancer and now my dad is going in for Gamma Knife surgery to get the last of his brain stem tumor. WTF. I hope that one of you smart young unicyclists goes to college and dedicates your life to finding a cure. \

We should organize a worldwide UNICYCLE cancer benifit ride or something.

Anyway, put your cancer stories here or just tell us how many of your friends or family have some form of cancer.

My Grandma used to have Cancer. She refused treatment because she didnt want to loose her hair. It was terrible seeing her like that. I’m sorry for everything thats happpend to your family and hope everything gets better.


my dog had cancer of the kidney. the tumor was about the size of a large orange. she died…

Apparently one in three people have cancer at some point in their lives. Most of it is cureable (however, the medical profession call a it a cure if it hasn’t come back within 5 years. If it comes back in 5 years and 3 months you were still cured).

My father also had cancer a few years back, it sucked. Then again, he had no hair to begin with…

My friend had cancer.She all most died .

My mother died 7 years ago from Colon Cancer, which with a regular check up is one of the most preventable/curable forms of Cancer. Now neither of her Grand kids will ever get to know her.

Beener, sorry your family is having such a rough time.

It was about this time of year in 1987 that my father was diagnosed with cancer. It was colon cancer that had already spread to his liver. His first operation was November 11, they gave him from four months to two years. Chemo kept the liver part under control but it finally spread to his lungs and he passed on two years to the day of the first operation on Veterans Day 1989. It does suck to have a loved one die a 65.

Given our family history I started the scope at age 40 rather than 50. Found polyps on the first one, last year all was clear!

Yeah, because that guy probably never killed anyone slowly. He can’t quite be that annoying.

I’ve had many friends and family members die of cancer or otherwise have to deal with it. Kind of a no-brainer the sucking part…

As a young man up to the age of 25 or so I was fortunate to have been spared the death of anyone close. A few years after college one of my good friends and a college roomate was diagnosed with brain cancer. He went to live with his mother in Florida and at some point asked me to visit. I was so freaked out by his illness I made some excuse and said I would come down but at a later time.

Big mistake.

As he deteriorated and I realized time was running out I asked his mom if I could come down but she said he didn’t want any visitors at that point. He died shortly thereafter.

My best friends’ mom got lung cancer several years ago. He and I were inseparable as kids and well into our 20s. Both our parents were like a second family to each of us. She had never smoked but his dad was a three pack a day smoker. After things had progressed rather badly, we went for one of our visits to the hospital to see her. On that particular visit I had been planning on telling her how much she had meant to me growing up and how much I had loved her like a second mom. But she was looking much better when we got to the hospital that day, very lucid and alert and I didn’t feel under the circumstances that bringing up her impending death was a good idea.

Another mistake.

She died the next day.

Of course, it’s all the same to them both now, but I regret not having taken the time to let them both know what they meant to me.

Sorry for your family’s woes, Beener.

my momma has breast cancer

Thanks for all your posts. I appreciate that we can all share our grief and understand how horrible this thing is.

No one in my family has died from it yet, but I have had several freinds pass away in the last decade. Stupid things like going to the doctor and having him say, “you had better quit smoking or it will killl you” and then quiting and dying anyway. Quitting drinking because they didn’t want to die of liver desease and then getting colon cancer. It just seems so random and stupid really.
Anyway, Thanks a bunch.

my grandfather and my grandmother both died of cancer and my cat did aswell

My mother was an alchoholic and a three pack a day smoker. She not only had Colon Cancer, but Liver and Kidney. It had gotten into her lymph nodes as well. Really sad.

My Grandfather has prostrate cancer, and colon at one point. He is 87 and still kicking. Me Grandfather on my Dad’s side died when I was 15. He was a heavy smoker and died of Lung Cancer. He had also lived with a meriad of health problems stemming back to polio. But the 3 pack of cigarettes a day habit was likely the biggest issue.

Unfortunately my Father has started smoking again after 30 years without a cigarette. I am concerned that he is at a very high risk after seeing what happened to Peter Jennings.

My Mother in Law is in remission after having a bout with Breast Cancer. She was at the DR today and everything is still good.

Some close friends have both been diagnosed with different types of Colon cancer within a year of each other. During that time the wifes father passed away from Cancer. The husband was scheduling his surgery to reattach his colon and rid himself of the colostomy bag when his wife found out she had cancer. Unfortunately I think her cancer will not go into remision, and is going to have Chemo for the rest of her life. When I heard that I was afraid to ask what that meant.

Getting older increases the likelyhood you will know someone with Cancer. I was starting to wonder what the hell is going on that so many people I know are getting cancer, then it dawned on me that I am getting older and I know a crap load of people.

my dad did a armstrong bout 2 years ago w/ testicula cancer:( but hes over it now minus one testical:)

No one in my human family has had cancer, but one of our dogs died last year from a brain tumor. :frowning:

I had a friend who died 2 years ago from stomach cancer. She was 23.

I’ve had a lot of it in my extended family, so far only one death as a direct result of cancer.

My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June this year. He had surgery in July, and is still recovering from that. He’s gotta keep going back for more tests for a while though.

My mother died from breast cancer followed by leaver cancer 19 years ago…
about 2 years ago, my mate’s mother died the same way.
Because of this disease, my son will never have a grand mother.
Yes, cancer sucks!:frowning:

Oups! too late to edit:o
I meant “liver cancer” (thank you JJuggle;) )

Yeah cancer sucks my nan died from it but as for a cure, I recon a geneiticly modified blood cells my be the answer. :thinking: