Canadian Unicycling 'Agression' Wheelset request

Request to Candian Unicyclists…

what would you like us to carry for our ‘Agression’ mountain wheelset?

this will be laced to a profile hub, and a 24x3 gazz

what rim do you want?

Sorry, I’m not Canadian but profile hub? Ew. Why would you not go for something ISIS? Its the way of the future.

ISIS components are also going to be stocked

but not taking NAFTA’s profile hubs into consideration would just be silly!

ISIS products will just be ‘mid range’ as that’s where they belong…‘not quite’ profiles :wink:

Not Quite Profiles?

Are you saying that the Tensiles, Koxx One and escpecially Moment hubs and cranks are not as good or as strong as the Profiles? When I got into Unicycling almost two years ago I would have bought Profiles. Now I consider them Old School. From the Polls on here and from what I see in picture posts, Videos and from what I counted at FLUCK KH now rules the unicycling market. I have not heard of any Moment Cranks busting. Just because technology and productivity have improved and brought down the prices of cranks does not mean that they are “mid range”.


hmmmmm, does anyone even want profiles any more?

we’ll probably stick with ISIS only hubs/cranks for our splined setups

I want profiles… but that’s because my frame is custom 40mm OD and I don’t have a choice. They cost too much :frowning:

With ISIS becoming lighter, just as strong or stronger, cheaper, and compatible with most all frames and supposed to be compatible with all other ISIS hubs/cranks (Koxx is an oddball on that part), Profiles are dying brand.

I would stock a few, but not many profile hubs for the occasional oldschool rider, and let ISIS be the majority of products.

Sounds good to me! thanks for the input guys

This is going to be coooool!

Sorry have i missed something here, who is ‘us’ in this context? Brian are you opening some sort of unicycle dealership in Canada?

Unicycle sales are going to a part of something much more enormous :slight_smile:

edit: you must have missed the canadian online unicycling resource thread…not worth searching for, but i’m launching something VERY COOL in november

It sounds like you’re piggybacking unicycling onto another sports store. Is this the case?

no, 100% unicycle

I have that exact setup with an Alex rim… but if I order a new one it would be a Moment crank set and probably not a Gazz either.

Sorry to continue the threadjack, but this just happens to be one of my pet peeves…

What is it with you Profile nay-sayers? All these posts are random observations and anecdotes… how are we supposed to draw any conclusions when you guys fail to provide us with any hard evidence?

Those of us who aren’t sharp enough to distinguish proof from conjecture are going to be confused from the myriad of posts here… does anyone else care about the quality of information in these fora?

So your sample group includes every owner of Moment Cranks and every owner of Profile cranks?

Give us statistics or remind us that this is just your opinon.

Is this linear or torsional strength? If the former, which axes showed greater strength?

Please provide us your test results and details about your test setup, or tell us that this is just your opinion.

I’m going to go off on a limb here and give my opinion that my Specialized cranks on my BMX (Which are 8-Spline and fit on a KH2004 hub) are stronger than any current Unicycle crank out there. But… they weigh about as much as all the rock in the Rockies.

You should get them put back into production just for Unicyclists.

Hi Brian,
I’m not sure what your cooking up but it sounds interesting to say the least.
You’ve been on these forums long enough to realsie that when you ask
someone what their ideal setup is for something they are going to rely on
conjecture and opinion that is not always based on real experience. And even if it is, their opinion will be framed by the type of muni they ride, how
often they ride it. Some peoples version of hardcore is anothers XC etc.

I’m just wondering how hard it would be- taking this into account- to let
people dictate exactly waht they want and have it put together custom. I
know this might be more expensive but getting everyone to agree on what a
DH unicycle should be is not an easy task.

I ride a relatively short muni course every day or two that includes a lot
of really steep climbing (170’s are a must for my ride), which then turns
into a loose rock, multiple drops, very steep decent. I would like to experiment with a LM/ gazz or LM/ duro combo but don’t have the funds atm. I also think that making magura’s an easy addition to any serious muni you put out is a good idea.

I still ride profiles- but i think for the new generation of riders that
have been bought up on ISIS it seems overtly expensive and a little
outdated. I don’t mind them- the lifetime warranty on cranks has saved me
a lot of money.

I think giving people options is going to make your venture the most
sucessfull. I think if you asked the same question, but of individual
components you could be given a pretty good inventory of things needed to
make a variety of awesome DH unicycles to suit everyone.

Best of luck,

my 2 cents

I own both a KH (moment)and a Profile muni.

Profiles have served me well but I don’t see any reason to go back. The KH takes all I can dish out and the price is killer! Is the crankset lighter too? IDK

good luck with whatever you got cooking, Brian!

haha yeah.

Erik has the only KH moment uni I’ve ever seen that creaks too. :slight_smile: