The latest federal announcement caused a brief moment of creativity…
Hmm… here I thought this would drum up a brief comment from someone… too political for Canadians and to irrelevant for everyone else I guess.
Remind me again, is Canada north or south of Belarus?
I cant stand canadian politics. All I learned in social studies 11 was canada at war and their crap politics
hehe I think thats great. So… do you think poor ol Paul Martin (poor used as sarcasim) and his liberals will get the boot?
I vote yes.
Possibly. I suspect a poor voter turn out if anything. I’m just hopeing the next election produces a functional government instead of a screaming government.
Makes for good political satire though…
Im lost.
You’re in the general discussion forum. You’ve stumbled into Canadian politics which is filled with the possibility of a soon to happen election.
Does that help?
i didn’t know canooks had politics…
We do when there is something interesting to protest about. They are just as heated as most, although some view them as more polite then many countries.