Canadia is still USA's #1 trading partner

Damn you canuckers with your tasty bacon and Kris Holm products! Some day our bacon and hockey teams will surpass you guys!

canada > america

I dunno, I’ve always been a fan of Brazil

everyone knows Canadia is just the 51st state:)

Our bacon is better!

Hockey is one of the best sports ever.

turkey bacon is better than everything tho.

If I could, I’d move to Canada.

thanks, GWB.

who wouldn’t?

I’d rather move to australia.

:astonished: ok i might be english but…turkey bacon?!? Is that like… the meat from a cross bred turkey/pig? :thinking:

it was made for jewish people who cant eat pig. i dont eat smart animals and pigs r smart. so i eat turkey bacon :smiley: its just turley slices. its a little sweeter than normal bacon, but w/ teh same taste. hard to explain, long story short…its good

the grass is greener up here, eh? :slight_smile:

Pigs are smart? Since when?

Although I will agree that turkeys are unfathomably dumb.

Since they can host the View and kiss other women?

much greener