Can you find what's wrong?

Can you see what’s wrong with this Netflix movie my brother just got? I guess you can’t be sure, but you can take my word that it’s not photoshopped.

Doesn’t it last a bit long? >_>

Proof of no photoshopping:


Yea, it’s even worse than Lord of the Rings!

What, you don’t think the richness of plot and deeply psychological character development of an R.L. Stine novel deserves to be longer than Shoah?

Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr, a bit off-topic, well, gigantically off-topic:

I want my pizza :frowning:

Too bad you live in the Netherlands then.

Hahaha, don’t worry, my mom’s making 'em :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s supposed to make think you’re actually going to be having pizza? :astonished:


If you ever hear me say ‘Yes :)’, note the daft smily, it means I didn’t understand a word of what that person just said, and I’m trying to look interesting…

Yes :slight_smile:

I have a few Dutch colleagues and this is the problem with them. They speak English with only a faint accent and speak it with some fluency. But by doing so they give the impression that they understand it better than they do. When we use slang and idioms they simply don’t understand them. But, again, the encourage us to do so by seeming so competent with their English.

4545 Minutes. I think it should be 45 minutes.

A faint accent, haha, you should hear most dutch people talk, its hilarious, my english mate says it sounds like they’re just chattering with their teeth :stuck_out_tongue: I think my english is alright, americans just confuse me, alot.

4545 minutes. I think it should be 4546 minutes.

I have seen that one and I can remember it being 4546 minutes.

Or 45:45.

And I was thinking the PLU barcode returned an incorrrect country of origin, but it looks for internal use only.

a4 35 16 51 43 25 40 45 17 56 45 57 09

Rated UR?

unrated perhaps?

movie nerd!