Can we do something about Any Terrain? Please mods/admins

He’s spamming threads like crazy, being rude to a lot of members. And he has even gone as far as to spam my my profile page, youtube page, and all my youtube videos.

I realize nothing can be done about the youtube stuff, but I am using it to show that it really is him, and that someone else is not controlling his account.

I also realize that I did create this monster, and I apologize to the uni community for his actions

A few of my youtube comments I have recieved from him… they’re still going though WARNING contains bad language:
“Wow… you make the ukulele sound like shit man… Lil B could do better on one than you. Go suck a dick you bitch.”
"Holy shit this rots my brain. So bad. And you look like a bitch "
"I hope Lil B breaks this shit in your face. "
"Teach yourself how to not suck. "
"Lil B would fuck that Ukulele. You sir suck… i remember when I thought the Ukulele sounded good… but after this… i dont know "
“Ahh… you do look like a hobo you bitch. This sucks”
"Even this sucks. Compared to Lil B, I cannot consider this music. "
"I DONT LIKE IT YOU BITCH… lil b ftw "

Lil b is awsome!

And then all was peaceful in the realms of

That’s fine Jon B, I have no problems with you, but if you want to ignore me that is your decision.

Post it in the Lil B thread then, this is about a spammer that is aggravating forum members that have no affiliation with me.

There doesn’t seem to be much possive energy from any of these comments (Keep in mind that I haven’t replied to any of these messages, but he keeps sending em) WARNING again for language. I wonder when he will tire out. This will be my last post with his quotes.

"Bitch day "
"Lil B is so much better than you can ever be. You are such a bitch. "
"I hope you took all the pills at once to get that bottle. "
"I have a tip: Listen to Lil B and stop sucking like a bitch you motherfucker. "
"And you think Lil B’s lyrics suck? This is sad man… "
"mother fucker "
"suck a dick bro "

yeah i agree he´s starting to become a problem and he is really rude to dane
i remember once i couldnt post because i had the word bitc? in my sig

Thank you unitaard. I’m fine with him being rude to me, I expressed my poor opinions of him and his music so he is allowed to say whatever he wishes to me, I don’t take this sort of thing personally anyways.

But when it effects other members that are not part of it, I don’t like that one bit.

I thought this forum had a filter as well, maybe it was disabled a while ago?

I took the liberty of making you a collage since you didn’t grasp the message of my earlier post.

I understood your message very well, you wish for me to block him. But that is not the issue, if I block him then other people still have to deal with him. And now you are creating a bad image for yourself as well.

Other people can block him as well. Three steps:

  1. Block
  2. Don’t feed the troll (the most important one)
  3. Stop creating so many new threads

Exactly what John Foss said. All that has to be done for yourself and others is to follow the collage, report if you feel it’s necessary.

Then all would be calm in the realms of


Quit being a little bitch about it. It’s the internet. Srsly.

Lets not start this again please friend.

I’m just saying that it’s the interwebs.

If you can’t handle swearing, you should probably shut off your tv and computer and go play cribbage.

Obviously you’ve never played Cribbage with my grandma. :smiley:

I’m not bothered by it, a word is a word, it only has as much power as you let it have, but other people are bothered by it. And there are children on this forum.

I myself vow to keep my mouth cleaner from this point forward.

Golf with my grandmother was always interesting, she wasn’t good, and you could hear her swearing from the 18th hole! You can either cry or you can laugh though right? :slight_smile:

Well, then it’s not YOUR problem, is it?