can some one tell me why my turn table doesnt turn?

A turntable like no other.

WOW What a fantastic idea! I bet it would sound great. Too bad it costs so much.

Never thought this thread would have such a life! Glad the original turntable is working again. Now I need one. I have a milk crate-sized stack of old LPs that I want to get onto my computer. I haven’t had a turntable in many years! I’ll have to look around for one to borrow…

I run my turntables through my mixer… which then automatically turns it into a digital signal… which then sends it directly into my computer via a coaxial wire.

Either that or I could run it out of my master output and into my analog in on my soundcard.

S’not that hard… just pretty time consuming. You actually have to sit-down and listen to your whole record when you want to get it on the computer…

I do that too when I want it to run though my comp, or record anything with my comp.

I also run it thruogh my guitar amp for fun =p

thats cause vinyl will never die.

anyway speaking of life, that JVC casette player i got from you is still working great.

i know why…you had one heck of a shitty turn table. all those issues are addressed by quality of componate.

Based on the amount of vinyl in our basement, I must be pretty wierd.


I disagree. A good Vinyl setup is absolutely better than anything on CD, however, redbook CD is 1980’s technology.

DSD and SACD looked promising, but , it’s already dying off.

Digital CAN sound as good as analog (better even?), too bad that the current trend is compression rather then sound quality. We have the technology, just not the consumer interest.

…anybody know how that laser turntable (does it actually turn?) manages to still be analog?

The record turns, and multiple lasers are used to track the “head” along with the groove, much like the tracking mechanism in a CD. The laser is reflected from the side of a groove, and this causes the reflected spot to vary in position An analog sensor measures that variance (it could be as simple as a photoresistor but I believe there is a much more complex sensor array involved) and converts it into a varying analog voltage (or current). The sensor’s output is filtered, amplified and sent out to your stereo for your listening enjoyment.

Just because a laser is involved, one should not assume digital output. For digitization to occur, a source of digital data needs to be present. The recording stored on a record is in analog form… as long as there is no analog-to-digital conversion going on within the turntable, there won’t be anything but an analog signal from the pickup to the output.

When I get my old records digitized, they’re going to “pass on.” To someone else.

Ha! Probably helped a lot by lack of mileage. I know my “good” one (the one I didn’t give away) barely gets any use at all.

This year at MUni Weekend we may be giving away a pair of (barely used) Motorola walkie-talkies. You never know what might be up for grabs at CA MUni Weekend!

hey guys guess what! i just went to the store and bought:

“the graduate” soundtrack
the knack-get the knack
foreigner-double vision
foreinger-self titled
david bowie-lets dance
david bowie-tonight
blondie-best of blondie

all for under $18.00

hit it with a hammer

hit what? my table allready works

so so sad…unless you give them to me :slight_smile:

no, me!!

mines got that but it doesnt work, i dont think. when i set it to auto (its when its supposed to move the needle to the first song then back to th table when done) it puts the needle to the end and then sweeps it across the record to the middle of the last song(w/o lifting up) then if i move it to the first song, when its done it does the same scratch thing

hmmm…29 and never had a turntable. I guess that’s about the cutoff for when cd’s were in and LP’s were out.

It’s true, an inexpensive cd player will outperform a cheap turntable.

My parents had a turntable like the one you mention. It was very cool.

i just bought two 45s from ebay:mungo jerry-in the summer time/ neil sedaka-bad blood