I drew this on photoshop. I’m really into digital imaging and designing and such. I was just wondering what you guys thought of my latest work?
*Sry for the watermark, I just didn’t want anyone posting it elsewhere claiming they made it.
I drew this on photoshop. I’m really into digital imaging and designing and such. I was just wondering what you guys thought of my latest work?
*Sry for the watermark, I just didn’t want anyone posting it elsewhere claiming they made it.
You know when I was 12 my friend had a great idea of being the first person with a 52" screen, I think that even he would have trouble getting this on his monitor. Next time size it down, other that that it’s good.
I can see all of it on a 16" screen.
I think it looks pretty cool Aaron…would anyone else be able to read it instantly though? I mean, we all can, because we’re really familiar with the word “uni”. I dunno if other people would instantly get it though…a unicycle doesn’t really look like an ‘i’.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.
It does look pretty sweet though.
Umm… If i’m honest it’s just two letters and a pic of a unicycle
un-unicycle? can’t believe you would post such unicycle hate material.
Do you have an account on Deviantart.com ?
I have one but i havent been on in a long time, check it out
If you dont have an account, you should get one, its really cool
Hey Thanks! I’ll check ou that website, too. Heres another: And if its too big let me know, sry about that last one.
If only it was that way
What, you want to lose your neck?!
Thats a cool one. But the shading on the unicycle doesn’t fit the black stick figures.
eh, it’s not a big deal to me. It was hard enough trying to get the stick figures to teh same size and configuring one to fit on a unicycle
I still think it’s an awesome job regardless.