Can flicking

Get a soda can and flick the opener back and forth until it comes off. post your least amount of flicks and your most amount of flicks you used to get it off.
Lowest: 7
Highest: 32

You crazy kids.

It’s not crazy, it’s using cans as a toy…

You want to use cans as a toy, try kick the can!!
Best game ever…also, smash can on head.

I play kick the can a lot.

My friend once tried to smash a can on his head like 3 times in a row but he forgot to squeeze as it hit, so he just left a nice deep imprint on his forehead. It was funny.

Yeah, it doesn’t work very well for me…I’m still determined to figure out how to do it though.

Take a soda pop can, take the tab off of the top. Locate the peice of metal where the tab seperated from the can. Take the tab and place the broke off metal (on the tab) where your middle finger and your middle finger nail meet. not on the top of your finger but the side. Flick your finger. The tab will fly across the room.

Wasn’t that Joe?


It’s fun to use empty cans as target practice for unicycle jumping.

I did it once and got 12

I was actually talking about Dustin, but Joe has probably done it, too.

Mm low cycle fatigue.

To use cans as toys:
Take a bunch of beer cans, open them and empty them into your mouth.

Unless your under 21…

Lol, are you not allowed to drink at home under the age of 21?

only in the US, except laws are easily broken.

That’s hilarious, the drinking age in the UK is 5.

Really!! I’m goin there next summer.

guys dont tease him… Hes from geogia so he has an excuse

Excuse? Tease? I don’t understand?