(Phil had a great idea in asking everyone about travel to Australia. In typical american fashion, I plan to steal a good idea and pretend it was my own )
I’m applying to grad schools right now (biomedical engineering), and some of my friends suggested Uppsala, Sweden. Before I apply, there are a few concerns I have about relocation and I was hoping some people with experience could answer a couple questions for me.
1: What are the extremes in daylight hours? I’ve heard that near Uppsala you get down to only two hours of sunlight each day in winter and two hours of dark in summer. Is this true, and if so, does it affect people’s personalities?
2: How well is the terrain/weather suited for unicycling? I prefer cokering to Muni, and I’m worried that long winters could force me to change styles.
2a: Are there any unicylists near Uppsala or will my unicycling cause people in that part of Sweden to develop odd stereotypes about americans?
3: How similar is Swedish food to American food? I spent four months in China and the food was good, but by the end of the trip I would’ve killed for Taco Bell food or a good cheeseburger.
4: Are the winter’s very harsh? Uppsala is farther north than Minnesota, but it’s also located near a coast. Will I freeze to death or will it feel like spring all year round?
5: How long must I maintain residency in Sweden before I get access to those Swedish Bikini Teams from the old bear ads.
Thanks for any insights. Right now I’m probably going to stay in my hometown (there’s a pretty good school here and I’ll be close to my family) but there’s a part of me that wants to go to Sweden, so I thought I’d let you guys argue about it for a bit.