Campus Pootling... to the MAX!!!

With university finals just around the corner the thought occurred that this night out would very possibly be the last time the whole lot of us would be out together. To this end our quiet drink between revising sessions turned into a proper bash… a fantastic time was had!

On the way home I ended up walking along the top of a railing next to the lake, and was joined by several others until it turned into a proper pootling session… the highlight of which was something I’d wanted to do since the first year; walk over the lake on top of the covered walkway over a bridge. Getting on it was possibly touching the line between “pootling” and “my god man, are you MAD?” but now I can say I’ve done it… :smiley:

Unicycling has really helped my balance immensely… before I started there was no way I could ever walk along a railing, but now it’s really not that hard. The number of places around campus where you can teeter atop a pole while onlookers think “how?” (or possibly “why?” but I’m ignoring that for the time being :)) only becomes apparent when your mind becomes one with the Pootle…

To the MAX!!!


duuuuude, if you need to ask you’ll never know.

Extreme pootling is doing stuff on stuff you find. Pootling uses no extra equipment other than that which is already available in your current environment. You could say that pootling is the ultimate anti-sport, a pioneer in the backlash against the commercialisation of our free time and the privatisation of our public spaces. We say “extreeeeeme duuuude” and “radiiical” and like keep it “To the max” maaan, if you’re thinking you’re not pootling.

(alternatively see the threads entitled “Emu 3” and “Other balance skills” in

There’s some pictures of extreme pootling in the BUC album (some coning and railwalking) and in Emu May 2003 album (yet more coning) at

make sure to clicky biggy on the coney pictures under BUC cos they look rubbish on the little snapshot but totally to the max once you click big.

To the MAX.
