Campire Songs

CAMPFIRE songs sorry i can’t believe i spelt the thread title wrong

Brownies, guides, scouts cubs and all those other ‘groups’ did nay one go to them and remrmber the songs aroudn the campfire i reckon those songs don’t get the praise they deserve some of them were rather catchy so in honour of them i now devote this thread to remembering them,

here’s some of the ones i remrmber:

“Found a Peanut
Found a peanut
founda peanut yesterday…etc”


“On top of a mountain all covered in sand,
i shot my poor teacher with a big rubber band…etc”


“oh you’ll never get to heaven
oh you’rll never get to heaven
ina a …etc”

any others people remember?

Whats a Campire Song?


Campire is the modernised spelling of CampFire (invented about a minute ago! ) sorry! :stuck_out_tongue:

OH I walked around the corner
and I walked around the Block
and I walked right into a Doughnut shop
Oh I picked up a doughnut and I wiped off the grease
and I handed the landy my five Cent Peice
She looked at the nickle and she looked at me and she said
“kind Sir you can plainly see, there’s a hole in the nickle and it
goes right through” and I said theres a “hole in in the doughnut to, thanks for the doughnut SO LONG!”

Jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water jack fell down and broke his crown… and they Threw it out the Window, the Window , The second Story Window with a Heave and HO and and A Mighty Throw they Threw it out the Window!!..
Repeat with the first parts of various Nursery Rhymes

Oh the noble captain Kurk he had three thousand men,
he beamed the up to the enterprise and beamed them down again,
and when your up your up,
and when your down your down,
and when your only halfway up,
your no where to be found.

Obie-one Kenobi, Obie one Kenobie,
Hans Solo, Hans Solo.

I worked at a cub Scout Day camp this summer six weeks Monday through Friday of litle boys ages 8-11, so there are a lot of songs I still remember. most of the tunes are obvious.

We used to sing that song with the nursery rhymes.

How about:

I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it’s hot,
I wear my flannel nighty in the winter when it’s not,
And sometimes in the springtime and sometimes in the fall,
I jump between the covers with nothing on at all.

Then, who could forget:

Well, they built the ship Titanic and when they got it through,
They said this is one ship the water would never go through,
But, the good Lord showed his hand and said that should would never land,
It was sad when that great ship went down.

I’m sure I will think of more later.

I’m an acorn, small and round
Lying on the cold, cold ground
Everyone walks over me
That is why I’m cracked you see

I’m a nut!
(Click, click with tongue)
I’m a nut!
(Click, click with tongue)
I’m a nut!
(Click, click with tongue)

Called myself on the telephone
Just to hear my golden tone
Asked me out for a little date
Picked me up about half past eight


Took myself to the movie show
Stayed too late and said : Let’s go
Took my hand and led me out
Drove me home and gave a shout!


oh man, i just love summer camp

Squirley, Squirley, Shake your Bushy tail,
Squirley, Squirley, Shake your Bushy tail,
Wrinkle up your little nose, Put a nut between your toes,
Squirley, Squirley, Shake your Bushy tail.

I am always amazed at how these camp songs evolve. We sang it this way:

Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel, shake your bushy tail,
Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel, shake your bushy tail,
Pick a nut up with your toes, wrinkle up your funny nose,
Gray Squirrel, Gray Squirrel, shake your bushy tail.

That’s why the name of the song is “Gray Squirrel”.
Of course, it comes with the appropriate hand gestures and motions.

yeah there were hand gestures for that song that we sang to

My favorite of all time:

Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey meat
Itty-bitty birdies' feet.

Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
And I forgot my spoon!

Oh, I forgot my spoon.
Oh, I forgot my spoon.

Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat,
Itty-bitty birdies' feet.

Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
And I forgot my spoon!

In the Boy Scouts we had lots of Dutch songs. One of the favourites, a canon:

Hoor je 't zingen van het vuur
In 't geheimzinnig avonduur
't Zijn de vlammen die ons zeggen:
Wees verheugd, en toon je vreugd.


Make new friends
but keep the old,
one is silver
but the other gold.


Heim, heim, heim,
heim, heim, heim,
heim woll’n wir geh’n!
Lied ist aus, Spiel ist aus, Tanz ist aus, alles ist aus.
Heim, heim, heim,
heim, heim, heim,
heim woll’n wir geh’n!

I remember some more, I’ve been with Scouting for, ummm, 20 years. None of the ones that were posted already though.

We had lots of “yells” as well (we used the English word for that though the yells themselves were mostly Dutch), to be shouted after a skit or so.

So a campire, right? Thats an undead creature that swoops up to your bedroom window in a pink fluffy cape when there’s a full moon? :roll_eyes:

They tend to be most dangerous at night around a campfire while singing gleefully

'tis said it 'tis a most deadly and dangerous beast of the night… :S

this one is called a repeat after me song so the camp repeats each line after you sing it:

Mmm burrito, Mmm Mmm Mmm Burito

Mmm Yeah Burito Yeah

Taco Bell, Taco Bell

Apple Crips, Cinnamon twists

(of course there are the hand motions which I can’t show you because I don’t have a camera)

I used to sing at campfires,
Ging gang goolie goolie gollie gollie watcha, ging gang goo , ging gang gooo.
Ging gang goolie goolie gollie gollie watcha, ging gang goo , ging gang gooo.
Halo, halo shaloo, halo shaloo halo ohh. Halo, halo shaloo, halo shaloo hair shampoo.

now i sing it to my son as a nursury ryhme, he thinks its very funny.
Hes about to crawl backwards out of the study door, I better keep an eye on him.

I heard some scouts singing at a fire a while ago: the song was interesting so I looked it up, because I wanted to know the words: Sung to the same tune as “Men of Harlech”. For those that don’t know, Woad is the blue die used my Mel Gibson in that film about William Wallace, thae name of which I can’t remember.

Ancient Britons

What’s the use of wearing braces
Hats and spats and boots with laces
All the things you buy in places
Down on Brompton Road
What’s the use of shirts of cotton
Studs that always get forgotten
These affairs are simply rotten
Better far is woad!

Woad’s the stuff to showmen
Woad to scare your foemen
Boil it to a brilliant blue
And rub it on your back and your abdomen.
Ancient Britons never hit on
Anything as good as woad to fit on
Knees or neck or where you sit on
Tailors you be blowed!

Romans came across the channel
All dressed up in tin and flannel
Half a pint of woad per man’ll
Dress us more than these
Saxons you can waste your stitches
Building beds for bugs in britches
We have woad to clothe us which is
Not a nest for fleas!

Romans keep your armours
Saxons your pyjamas
Hairy coat were made for goats
Gorillas, yaks, retriever dogs and llamas
Tramp up Snowdon with your woad on
Nevermind if we get rained or snowed on
Never want a button sewed on
Go it, Ancient B’s!


aw little Ed’s crawling now :slight_smile: how are you all? Ed’s letting you get some sleep i hope!

F is for friends that do stuff together!
U is for you and meee!
N is for anybody, anywhere at all!

Down here in the deep blue sea.

F is for Frolic through all the flowers!
U is for Ukelele!
N is for Nose picking, chewing gum, and sand licking!

Here with my best buddy.

There also is the evil part…

F is for Fire that burns down the whole town.
N is for No survivorssss!


-Spongebob and Plankton

On Top of Spaghetti

On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.

It rolled off the table, and onto the floor,
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.

It rolled down the garden, and under a bush,
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush!

The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be,
And then the next summer it grew into a tree.

The tree was all covered, all covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs, all covered with sauce.

So if you have spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
Hold onto your meatball, 'cause someone might sneeze.