Callout To Evan Byrne

If you’re not Evan leave. If you are evan, I’m real sorry and I won’t be hyper anymore. Please un-block me. I’m really really really sorry. :frowning:

hahahahaha it’s funny when the outcasts fight amongst themselves.

We’re not outcasts, dude. Just talk to Dave Lowell…

you’re mean.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I find obie humerouse he may be a jacka$% to me and others but he is funny

Thanks man. The people who understand me love me and the ones who don’t think I’m the worlds biggest jerk.

im not evan…but im not leaving.bam.

No problem . and for the people who are on otn, Obie you are like the unicyclist community’s Andy T cause man that guy is hilariouse(besides when he bashes unicyclists)

Hes not here.what about him?


man, this is dumb. I hereby am gonna meditate till moab. Oh wait, till me MUni comes. Yeah. Then I’m gonna head for the hills, and become a roving uni-hermit. Until moab. Yeah.

On the subject of the awesomeness of obie:

I hope you’re not serious. if you aren’t, you’re hilarious, if you are, you’re a moron. or something to that extent. or somewhere in between.

feh, I’m gonna stop typing about now. it’s getting boring.

Thats basically what i do.

Happy hills.

So- Tyler- did he ever unblock you?
If not… comeon Evan, unblock him! Cant you see hes begging for forgiveness! hehe
hope you guys sort out your hyperness! (lay off the sugar :stuck_out_tongue: )

I think you need to understand that people don’t find it amusing to be insulted over and over. and you will now respond with an insult, I can feel it coming.

James Obie is probably not a bad guy in real life but this is the internet. THE INTERNET IS NOT REAL

People do enjoy it when its funny and friendly. If you knew me physically you would see that its all about how you say things.

Haha you know me too well. You know it’s not malicious though.

Obie doesnt always bash people he helps alot on this forum. Such as the complete tutorial he wroe on crank interfaces now that was good. He also will give very informitive answers if he is the mood lol.

Yay, a thred just about me! thanks guys!

actually Tyler made it because he is sad that you blocked him…I thought you guys were best buddies? you know since you guys are the moderators for your forum

meh, my fourms not in use right now, im gona bring it back to life once i get the Spins up and running.

nah, Me an tyler use to be friends but he has become really werid and he spams like you can not belive.