Callout to all those photoshop-pers and designers out there, I need a shirt!

Okay, not really me, but cmw needs.

Everyone is welcome to send me graphics, shirts, even ideas.

Pretty much the only guidelines is that it has to be unicycle related (one was awesome but not uni-related), and it has to have room for the sponsors logos.


He means “California Mountain Unicycle Weekend,” in San Diego, October 17-19. It’s always helpful to throw in that kind of information. I prefer that the shirts always spell out the full name of the event, but it doesn’t have to be the main text. It can say “MUni Weekend” or something, but remember, people outside of unicycling have no idea what that means. The word “unicycle” should always appear somewhere, unless it’s obvious from the picture what the event is about. All of your cool designs are welcome!

Thanks John forgot about that stuff :slight_smile:

so you want a design, but what does the person who makes it get???

abuse from maestro8. (or john foss)

They get the feeling of awesome-ness and fame when they see 100 people wearing their shirt.


well in that case your welcome to use my avatar :wink:

Young lad, I do not dole out abuse to those who help the cause of promoting unicycling. You’ve been around these fora long enough to know better, if you’ve been paying any attention, that is.

I’ve had an active hand in promoting the sport for several years and know the hard work and dedication it takes to organize events and promotions. Such work deserves nothing but praise and support.

Pay attention and you’ll find my wrath is only inflicted upon bullies, abusers of the English language, abusers of science and those who defy common sense. I’m not such a raving madman, as you make me out to be… I’m here to promote peace, justice, symmetry and form, color and composition!

I guess that’s why I’m not feverishly working on one (because I’ve already done it). :stuck_out_tongue:

Shouldn’t he at least get a free shirt, especially if he can’t make it to MUni Weekend? Honestly, the event doesn’t have a budget for much else, though an early stab at the SWAG should be a possibility if the designer comes to MUni Weekend.

The designer would definitely get the free shirt.