If anyone that lives in the Jefferson City or near Jeff. could and/or would like to met up on the 4th of July,and the capital…pm me and let me now.
rec.sport.unicycling dude!
didn’t want maestro8 to eat me
I would have loved to. I only know one other unicyclist where I live, an hour south of Jeff City (and he won’t teach me anything. >:( He’s good, though, and freestyle and trials)
Even if we are up that direction, however, my parents wouldn’t let me meet up. Cause I don’t know you IRL.
Why won’t he teach you?
I’ve yet to meet a unicyclist who wasnt helpful at all. that confuses me.
Long story-- let’s just say its a personal thing. We knew each other since we were little, before he started unicycling. I’m friends with his older sister but he won’t even talk to me, hardly.
Ah right, i thought he was just some random guy who was a bit mean.
maybe you can sort it out or something?