It would be great to find out how many mature unicyclists are active these days and to learn something about their challenges and achievements. By mature I am thinking of those age 55 or older. If younger people want to jump in, that would be ok too of course. Here is my story. I hope to read about other aged unipersons soon.
I took up unicycling in 2005 after a two-decade gap. From the Net I found out how the sport had evolved in directions I never could have imagined. I quickly found Darren Bedford and the Toronto Unicyclists. Soon I had a Bedford 24 in and spent quite a few hours recovering old skills. Being out in the country on a gravel road I couldn’t ride every day so it took a year to learn to freemount consistently (say 80%). In Sep 2007 I started to track distances with a simple bike computer and in November bought a KH 29 from Darren. I have racked up 275 recorded km so far in too many outings to admit to here. On my moderately hilly route with 2 km of gravel, my best average speed is 12.5 km/hr on the 29 in and 11 km/h on the 24 inch. Idling more than six strokes is is still a distant dream and riding backwards varies randomly from 0 to 90 feet with 10 to15 ft the most common
At the moment the biggest challenge is trying to pedal faster. I have kept track of the average cadence on each of my (mostly) 5 to 6 km runs. On the 24 inch the best average cadence is 89 rpm (with 5 in cranks) and on the 29 in (with 6 in cranks) it was 85 rpm. I bought a set of 5 in cranks for the KH 29 hoping that it would be easier to pedal faster. So far it doesn’t help that much because I am much slower up and (especially) down the hills and have a harder time free-mounting and turning so the average is affected somewhat. However pedaling is smoother and there is less wobble. A biking friend suggested taking a spinning class to improve pedaling technique and speed.
I used to have a Coker fantasy, but I don’t see the point unless I get a lot better with what I have now. The increase in speed from a 24 in to a 29 in was not significant for what I am doing which is just trying to have a good 30 to 40 minute workout. But the KH 29 is a nice uni to ride and one can hardly ever have too many unicycles. Just think what it costs to play golf, fish from a boat or hunt the mighty wildebeest.