I know im not a pro rider, or sponsored by any uni company’s, but I have been riding for 4 years now, and can answer these questions.
- Just learning to ride was excericize already. Learning the correct ways to balance and having to make all the tiny adjustments really helped the tiny muscles in my core and I guess you can say it really trained my inner ear.
Getting into trials really helped my endurance and toned my leg muscles. They didn’t get any bigger, but they have improved. I used to have troubles doing trials for long periods, my legs would get tired, and I would start to breath rather heavily. Now my legs dont become tired anymore, and my breathing has become more controlled while doing any activity.
I have also gained a better reaction time, not just while unicycling, but for everything I do now.
Now that I ride a coker, I have burned up to 2500-3k calories on some of my ride, so it will keep me thin and get rid of excess body fat. I try to ride at a high cadence for at least 20mins in my ride to workout my heart and to gain better breathing and a lower bpm.
- Ive been riding for 4 years. I have always wanted to ride, but never was able to get a uni or have a chance to ride one until my friend got his uni. I got my uni shortly after on my birthday.
We learned some freestyle stuff, just the basics. Mainly just used them to ride point a to b. I ended up taking a break because my uni broke, and I had no money to repair it. Finally got it fixed, got into it again, and found about trials, and for the past year, I have really been into unicycling now.
- My riding is very sporadic until it gets into spring, then I try to do weekly rides that will last about 5 hours.
Other than that, I just ride whenever, sometimes for a few mins, sometimes for a few hours. I just get out there whenever I can.
What keeps me riding is my love for the sport. I dont care if I am doing a 50 mile ride through the country side, a sweaty trials ride, riding with my friends and just goofing off, or just riding to get somewhere faster. As long as I can ride, I am good.