Its in the ad gallery, fourth page bottom left “Lemon Wedgie” its the wedgie one. I want to put it on a shirt but you can’t copy it and it prints the entire page. Geek… I’m calling on you. Can it even be done?
(no offense meant by the geek thing, I’m a bit of one my self)
Yeah I suppose it wasn’t hacking at all. Thanks very much. How the crap? Did you take like a screenshot or something then cut it up? How does that work? Is there anyway you can make it bigger without losing any resolution?
That’s about as big as I could get it with minimal distortion or without playing with anything too much.
Yea, I just took a screenie of it. You just press “Print Screen” or your keyboard and paste the image into paint, and then select the part you want. I just resized it in photoshop really fast.
That was my first thought and I tried it myself, using Google web search and picture search. I didn’t think of including altoids though. I clicked though a couple links, found the picture but not in that high a quality.
If Daino149 could do it with a graphics program based on the picture at the link that darchibald posted, I would be amazed at the quality and eager to know more. Sometimes a picture size is restricted in html whereas the actual picture is larger (apparent when you save and reopen), in which case it would be simple. But since doesn’t let you save the pic you’re stuck with a screen capture at low res.
Regardless, daino149 I think you have magical powers! :p)
Hacker - someone how has good programing skils, is a UNIX expert, etc… These people do not cause the problems, they fix them.
Cracker - someone who illegaly breaks into stuff. They usually call them selves Hackers (allong with nearly every one else) incorectly. They also like to misspell stuff allot and attempt to speek in 1337.
Scripy Kitty - these are the people that usually do dammage (in little bits at a time) they use scripts written by other people (having no idea how the code works) to dismantle web pages, plant viruses, etc…
Luser - a forum user who is a loser. Usually talks in ALL CAPS, tries to speek in 1337. They usually come in large flocks, if they hit your forum you better buckle down, or you’ll end up having to shut down.
And grabbing an image of of a web page, that should just be basic knowlege.
Chapter 1: What is a lamer anyways?
A lamer - in hacking terms - is someone who doesnt know what they’re
talking about in the hacking world. They have usually learned a bit,
but are still lost.
Lets go through the steps of being a lamer:
The initiation to being a lamer doesn’t happen online, it usually
happens in your day to day life.
You may find yourself to be a social outcast, to have views nobody
likes, generally anti social, unique…and a number of other factors
that can lead to spending all day on I.R.C and wanting to learn
about computers and chat for companionship.
The online initiation to being a lamer can be a little more
threatening. You’re here, your learning but you’re still not
accepted even on the internet amongst hackers, why?
Hackers - social outcasts - feel it necessary to stick together in
their communities and this can sometimes cause them to shun you from
the group.
Remember - Hackers were once lamers, anti social. Now that they’ve
got a step up on you its expected that they take control and want to
flame you.
Don’t take this so serious - when a hacker flames you on a day to
day bases for being a lamer he/she is really only waiting for you to
come back and school them , its just a form of motivation is most
cases and as long as your not an idiot, this motivation will
continue. For example:
if you get flamed by an entire community on IRC but nobody bans you
or they only temp ban you - then they are really just motivating
you. They wouldn’t let you back at all if it was a different story,
such as you being an idiot.
I’ve tried to learn, when should I give up?
If you’ve took advice, read tutorials on different aspects of
hacking such as:
http 80 hacking
box rooting
cracking applications
and you still have not grasped enough to account for anything then
it might be time
for you to move on with your life and stop trying to be a hacker.
its always good to know your limits and if your brain is limited at
the most basic of data - then give it a rest and start playing
sports or something.
I’m discouraged, but I don’t want to give up!
Thats good, learn like you’ve never learned before.
read everything you see and constantly update your brain.
Remember - at this point other hackers will probably be willing to
help you out
But don’t over use their limited help, trust me its limited.
It’s also good to find an online lamer thats at the same point you
Read with them, trade information and when both of you are done
trading information
move onto someone else who you can share with.
Darkonewithaneed and I were good influences on our http 80 careers
in the erly days.
Shortly after we started trading information, we both got on staff at
and now we’re currently working on our own projects, but even a year later we still
randomly share information with eachother.
The more people you become friends with the more information you will be able to share
later, odds are the lamers you start sharing information with will become the hacker
community around.
Whats the first general knowledge I should know?
Unix commands,
Dos commands,
Where can i learn these? is great for Html,Javascript,PHP and sql if you can’t afford a book.
Unix commands can be learned at telnet:// or buy a freebsd shell account from
Dos commands can be learned in command prompt on windows.
I learned all this stuff? Does it make me a hacker?
Well - No and Yes - if your writing your own code and websites and exploiting them, sure your a hacker. If your patching things in ways they weren’t suppose to be, sure you’re a hacker
but settle down lamer, You’ve got alot more to learn!
I have to learn more? Why yes - of course you do. 90% of hacking is learning.
When you’re done learning the code and how to exploit it you still have to read
server updates,exploits,vulnerabilities everytime they are released - and then guess what! You have to learn more code!
It’s a shame that ethical hacking isn’t as simple as downloading a program and being a script kiddy, but remember - someone much smarter than you wrote netbus,back orfices and any other ‘kiddy’ tool you’ve heard about and until you can write it yourself - you really have no right to use it.
What operating system should I use?
Windows 98 - good to start, once your hex editing windows, regediting and playing with nifty files like your host file its time to move on though. I also reccomend this because booting to dos comes
in really handy.
A preferred switch is to linux redhat - which is quite easy to take in now adays beings that
programs like mozzilla fire fox and Gaim are floating around free for you to use - they will help drift you away from windows and make the new nix experience a little more easy for you.
I personally Suggest NetBSD or FreeBSD…They’re stable and secure but not quite as user friendly.
Just remember that you have choice in the operating system you use - try different ones before
you settle.
How can i protect myself Online?
Depending on operating system - New updates and patches.
Anonymous Proxy - Google: Anonymous proxy list
IRC protection - BNC account.
Do you reccomend a application firewall?
To use half of your system resources and do absolutly nothing for you - No.
Anti virus Software -
Windows 98 and any *Nix this really isn’t reccomended or necessary.
Windows virus removal is as easy as booting to dos in most cases - read up on the virus.
What we learned:
How to ask questions correctly.
How to learn.
The first thing you should know.
The ammount of knowledge to hacking.
Different operating system choices.
Basic protection.
Chapter 2 - I never knew the wise man.
Some Questions Answered:
Q:When I have someones I.P can I hack them?
A: If your asking this - no - You can’t just grab an i.p, put it in telnet
on some random port and expect to be hacking a computer.
You have to know protocols to connect let alone hack!
Q: How do I hack Hotmail?
A: You don’t. Why would you? Don’t ask that, go away, I hate you.
Q: Is NetBus Good?
A: NetBus would be considerably good if it wasn’t outdated.
Also, if you knew how it worked instead of being some lamer
who found a trojan and decided it would be funny to infect
some innocent computer with a virus to feel cool for a moment
it would have much more effect.
Q: What Is An exploit?
An exploit makes a program do something that its structure wasnt originally intended to do.
Example: Imagine a genie in a program.
The program is set to ask you for 3 wishes: the usual syntax is:
*Genie: Whats your first wish?
*You: I want a Bike.
*Genie gives you a bike.
*Genie: second wish?
*You: I want a cake.
*Genie gives you a cake
*Genie: third wish?
*You: I want a dollar!
*Genie gives you a dollar.
You have used your 3 wishes.
but if we:
*Genie: Whats your first wish?
*You: I want a Bike.
*Genie gives you a bike.
*Genie: second wish?
*You: I want a cake.
*Genie gives you a cake
*Genie: third wish?
*You: I want 3 more wishes!
*Genie gives you 3 more wishes.
You have used your 3 wishes.
Genie Error
*Genie: Whats your first wish?
You’ve exploited the Genie by making him give you more wishes.
Since He is set to give you whatever you wish for, he gives you three more wishes.
Which totally voids the entire “You have 3 Wishes” agreement.
Q: Where do I learn to Hack?
A Few Terms Defined:
White Hat - A white hat hacker hacks his own system and systems after gaining administration
permission to hack the system. This is the legit Hacker.
Black Hat - Usually smart script kiddy Spawn - Hackers that hack illegally into servers
to gain user information - free access - cc numbers or just to cause damage.
Newb - Somebody new to the hacker world with very little experience.
Lamer - See above.
Elite - The Best of the Best.
Google -
Hacking Challenges - Legal hacking missions provided to help people learn how to hack applications,
webpages and many other things. screensavers,hackthissite and blind-dice provide these sort of
Windows - A crappy Operating System.
Unix - Good operating system.
Telnet - An open protocol client available in windows.
I.R.C - Internet Relay Chat -
Vhost - virtual host - changes host from to
Aside from the obvious methods you (and others) mentioned, making super-high-res images out of tiny low-res ones is still only something that happens in TV and movies.
Yup, our run-of-the-mill security camera’s frames can be enhanced 100x to count the pores on your earlobe. Sure.
BTW, I don’t think you should need to feel guilty if you use that image on a T-shirt (though the resolution is still pretty low). If you make a whole bunch and sell them at a profit is when you need to start feeling guilty.
And that’s why the photos in my albums ( are right-click protected. If anyone ever wants to do something with a higher-res version, just shoot me an email.
Catboy: I was going by the terms of the greatly accepted “New Hacker’s Dictionary.” It has been a while since I’ve looked at it, so I was a little off on the luser definition, but lamer is a synonym for luser. I did get the term hacker correct, although it was not all inclusive. I actually do have enough knowledge to be classed as a hacker (I’ve done plenty of stuff in about eight OSs including writing dozens of games in various languages and scripts (QB, VB, DOS .bat files, C, C++, Java, etc…), writing DLLs (that was boring and pointless with how I now have a Macintosh), reverse engineering various programs, etc…) even so, I do not call my self one, I prefer the term “abnormal.” =P
John Foss: Um, it sure doesn’t seem right-click protected to me. I had no trouble accessing the large version and saving it to my HDD. Yeah javascript is enabled on my browser, and no, I’m not going to do anything with them. The best way to keep your stuff safe if you don’t want people taking it is simple, don’t put it online.
I hope no one takes me as trying to be a know-it-all. I certainly am not near such a thing. The more I learn, the more I realize that there it more yet to learn. I don’t remember who said it, but “The greater the radius of my knowledge is, the larger my circumference of ignorance grows.”