This is a celebratory thread, don’t you have a “Unicycle for Christ” thread to create somewhere.?
Imagine angry comments to counter a hateful biggoted one.
…anyways, Jesus was a liberal. He would have supported gay marriage.
This is a celebratory thread, don’t you have a “Unicycle for Christ” thread to create somewhere.?
Imagine angry comments to counter a hateful biggoted one.
…anyways, Jesus was a liberal. He would have supported gay marriage.
way to love your neighbour there, good Christian behaviour
yeah, i’m not gay, but i’ve come to realize that marriage between gays is totally stupid.
least of all:
lets just start changing more definitions for fags (oops sorry), but gay is a word meaning happy, “a bundle of sticks” fits a gay relationship quite well
the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.
I am very happy about the situation in California. I can say that without feeling the need to state my orientation.
Marriage is just a way for kings to expand their kindgom.
It was originally a pagan thing actually, but that’s far gone.
all i can say is thats dissapointing, wrong, and it sucks. And ofc california’s gona be the first state to do something like this. hmm…i wonder why.
Wow, you’re a real dick.
Do you realize you referenced burning gay people along with burning witches?
Channel the words of satan in some other thread.
Does anyone have an objection that is not based on religious belief?
If there are enough votes to put it on the ballet, then it’s the VOTERS who can make or break it, not AHH-nold. I have no dog in the hunt so whatever happens is up to the majority.
Skrobo, go rolling hop over a truck or something.
its hard for me not to think of religion first, because the bible states clearly that marriage is for a man and a woman, and christianity is what THIS nation was found upon. And now we’re changing everything to fit the fags that want to be called married like NORMAL people.
If nothing else, wouldn’t you want to keep marriage the way its supposed to be, for respect of the country? Gay people are still going to be together either way, just not “married”.
They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
Oh yeah, I’ve got something else to say:
Liberty and justice for all baby!
><> Unicycle For Hatred, Bigotry, and Ignorance <><
I’m a TRUE patriot.
I believe in freedom of religion. (=! Christian State, but a FREE state)
I believe in separation of church and state (goes with freedom of religion)
I believe in liberty and justice for all
I believe in the pursuit of happiness
I don’t believe in bigotry disguised as “religious morality”.
so what your saying is you dont believe in the bible then?
…just the ways of man?
The bible is an interesting read… thats about it.
its your life, do what you please…
in response to the other ignorant, misinformed comment:
my statement was involving the definition of FAGOT, not any history. Don’t put my words places they don’t belong
A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together.
A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars.
No, I’m not religious. However there are MANY people that choose to follow the words of Jesus and yet don’t use it as a shield for bigotry. Do you follow the bible literally? If you say yes, you haven’t read it. Yes, I own a bible. Yes I have read it. Did you know it says that it’s OK to “take as your wife” a woman prisoner of war? It also says if you no longer want her, you cannot sell her as a slave since you forced yourself upon her.
Yes, I am a heathen. I’m going to hell along with the other 70% of the planet who are not any form of Christian.
Jesus was a cool guy. He taught a lot of great lessons. Prejudice and bigotry weren’t in any of them.
I suppose there is nothing that is not debatable, but it seems pretty clear to me that laws in the United States may not be based upon religious principle. And whether or not one agrees that “this nation was found upon” Christianity, a debatable claim to be sure, the bible is no basis whatsoever for the establishment of laws and regulation.
And before you go pointing out items like “thou shalt not kill”, “thou shalt not steal”, etc, it is no coincidence that ethics based on religion and those that are not, agree on many broad matters. But the bible is full of specifics and it is in those matters that religious ethics fall into ridiculous, unnecessary, and often bigoted dictates.
How is it disrespectful to the country for same sex couples to be able to marry? I’m not even sure what is meant by “country” in this context.
In you eyes it may be stupid, but what hard do gay marriages do to you? WHY do you care what other people do if it doesn’t affect you in anyway? Would you still be angered if they made a new name for marriage that’s just reserved for the gays???