but can it unicycle?

it needs weapons too
edit: i tryed to attach an image… but i suck with computers :frowning:

edit again: i know you guys hate img tags, but thats all i got

Holy crap. It looks like a girly version of those things in the Matrix (3?).

HAHA your right!

Wasn’t there something like that in the original ‘Alien’? I think they used them for a fork lift sort of a thing.

Oh yeah I remember that…don’t they use it to defeat the Alien?

Anybody notice this one doesn’t have any arms? That cuts down on what it’s able to do. So it looks more like one of those 1970’s music-listening chairs, with legs.

Anybody know any background on the image? Does it really walk, or is it just a static prop?

More photos and information can be found at the main Toyota page here and on Gizmodo.

They are intended as mobility aids; if ever there was a good reason to break both your legs I guess this is it!


Yikes! If you had both legs in a full-length cast, the only thing you would be able to ride is an Impossible Wheel!

I was thinking about something like this earlier, actually, on seeing a video of Jeff Lutkus riding a unicycle with a cast on his foot. Has anyone had a plaster cast on their foot with a clipless pedal cleat built in? :slight_smile:



(It’s funny how realistic I found it when I saw it originally)

i doubt a max walking speed would be listed if it couldn’t actually walk:p

i want one of those loader things from aliens :frowning:

yah, all it needs is a few rocket boosters, heat-seeking rockets, heavy weight machine guns, and a flame thrower for your everyday commute in japan!

in time my friend, in time

Be nice. All you need for Japan (like most places) is a helicopter. The drivers are very polite; there’s just way too many of them.

fine then. make it new york city. And my school parking lot