Busking Laws?

I’ve been working on doing my Devil Sticks while idling, 1 foot idling and riding/doing other things in a small area(5’x5’), and would hopefully like to start busking at the local farmers merket on saturday and sundays. However, I would not like to have a run-in with the law, or get arrested.

Could someone help me find the Nevada State Laws on Busking? I’ve searched but found very little. And from what I’ve been told, without a permit, it’s considered grifting.

What are your busking laws? Have any good busking stories?

You won’t get arrested the 1st time, just told to leave. I’ve done a lot of busking, including in front of old faithful in yellowstone. Boy, those park rangers were pissed.

Just call your local police department and ask.

I’ve done a little busking in Canada. In my case I picked up a Busking License from the city of Kitchener. It cost $10, and I got a little badge to make it all official.

Generally speaking, you’ll need government approval (for residents of Ontario it’s city level government), and you should also have location approval. My best guess is that you can pick up a permit from the same place that you would get building permits or vending permits. Call first to be sure, but it’s probably as simple as line up, fill out a form, and smile for the camera. As to location approval, just ask the owner or operator of the event. I’ve found most events to be very friendly about the process.

Some cities have specific sites that you are allowed to busk in. Outside of those sites it’s illegal. There are also additional sites within the transit systems. Those sites are usually governed by the local transit authority.

That’s about all I know, but hopefully it will help a little.

Oh… learn how to handle hecklers. :wink:

I particullarly like the come back line “I remember my first beer.”

in some parts of the uk you need some sorta lisence to busk or sumin like that. but go ahead and do what you liek anyway. England sucks!

whats busking?


per dictionary.com:
To play music or perform entertainment in a public place, usually while soliciting money.

most places won’t do much, there’s usually laws against it, but rarely enforced. unless you’re causing a disturbance or are in an area where they restrict performing(big city shopping district for example) you should be fine. they’ll likely just ask you to leave.

in reno i’d stay away from the front of casinos. i’d aim for a public park or something. or a ped-mall.

Yah you dont want reno 911 on your ass

Here is the link to the Reno, Nevada Municipal Code. Very likely busking is licensed at that level. Good luck with it.

True, yesterday I heared that last week Mr.Spin (from Australia) has been refused to to enter the UK, together with two female street performers, who’ been trown in jail for a while. He’s now temp. doing shows elswere in Europe.

I have never done any busking myself, however I have come across a site that has forums related to busking. It can be found at www.performers.net/forums/ I believe they have one specifically designated for discussions on performing in different cities/states/countries. You might be able to find some info there about your location or busking in general.
Best of luck with the performing - would love to hear how your first show turns out.


Re: Busking Laws?

check the law
i have a feeling that if u’re in/on someone’s property (the farmer’s market) u might get away with having their permission