Why China? What did they ever do to you…Don’t want to comment much on Iraq but ok,the final solution that you are looking for is freedom and peace…right? If you consider anybody who is not American as an enemy then, will they ever be peace?
… the mental image of “bagdad Tyler” and “Hanoi Jane” holding and swinging hands and skipping off into the sunset…
Thanks for the good laugh
Tyler, I’m stunned at your nerve in spouting off like this on this topic, as if your nifty elementary school IQ figure qualifies you to be in this debate. Pro-Bush or not is no longer the point, the disrespect you’ve shown a member of our armed services is appalling. Too much unsupervised internet time for you, and not enough time learning proper manners and communication etiquette. Your liberal parents should be ashamed…seems like a clear case of neglect to me. How else to explain what’s become of you?
You should shut your child mouth until you learn some manners. Or better yet, go back to totaluni forum. That’s the most intelligent thing you’ve done in some time. It’s worth repeating.
Well, now that I know that I value your opinion in a whole different light
Wow, I was kinda hoping that a thread as stupid as this one would die, but it hasn’t.
So, on that note, I disagree with Bombsquad’s politics, but Tyler, you should really stop trying to argue. Caps lock isn’t going to convince anyone of anything, and by the time you get as embroiled in a political arguement as you are now, noone’s going to be convinced of anything. Face it, people aren’t going to give a crap about the politics of an 11 yar old. If they did, Kids for Kerry would’ve actually made a difference. Also, if you are young enough to feel the need to make a distinction of 2 years, then you’re too young to be arguing with someone in the army.
Something that most “liberals” miss is that when they argue with a conservative, they are getting nowhere. If the conservative is smart enough to give a counterpoint, then you’ve already wasted your time, since you are dealing with a divergence of morals, and the one thing you won’t change with exclamation points and caps locks is someone’s morals. Conservatives who take the energy to post the reasons behind their politics on this forum have reasons for it, and thus aren’t going to be convincable. It’s the dumbasses who vote for Bush because he looks macho and seems like a cool guy who need arguing with.
With those things in mind, can’t we just let this thread die now people? It was a stupid thread, and it hasn’t gotten any smarter.
One last thing to remember, Tyler, is you are still only 11. The only difference between those 11 year olds who yell “yeah, bomb the islams to hell!” and you is that your politics are different. You are not giving well thought out arguements over a political perspective you developed, you are merely paraphrasing your parents and the surrounding environment’s politcs, from whom your politics are derived. So please, Tyler, just stop posting about how the military has forced bombsquad’s perspective, when it’s really you who has had their opinion implanted in them.
Of course, before the USA invaded, Iraq didn’t have anyone strapping on a vest with 30 pounds of explosives covered in nails and bolts, walking onto a schoolbus full of CHILDREN, and detonating it.
Prior to the US invasion, the fact that you are an American would not have gotten you on the evening news getting your head cut off.
Are those some of the new freedoms the US invasion has brought to Iraq?
Maybe the US invasion had something to do with that…
And quit picking on Tyler!!
Tyler, there is a place for you in the Unicyclist Community Forums, and don’t let anyone, even a big tough invading soldier, make you feel unwelcome here. Notice that those big tough soldiers are not addressing the truth of what you are saying, they are just launching personal attacks against you.
I am sorry, but you saying that there were no terrorists in Iraq has to be one of the least informed comments ever.
So your telling me that back in say, 1995 or so, if you walked into a terrorist training camp and let them all know your political and religious feelings, they would have invited you in for tea? They were just waiting for us to invade Iraq before they hated us. Yeah, that’s gotta be it.
And, oh yes, look at me launching attacks at an 11 year old. Threatening to beat him up at all. What are you talking about? I was simply defending our President and letting Tyler know that President Bush has the support of our military (well, at least the amazing majority that voted for him). If a little kid shows disrespect towards someone who is fighting for his and everyone else’s freedom, I would hope that someone would stand up for me. And look at the previous posts, many people have…
And just to remind everyone once again… If your not here, don’t make comments on things you have no idea about.
I don’t think this entire thread could have been summed up any better.
Bush… who’s bush!!! Just joking.
He came to Halifax this year…well maybe 2004 and made joke about hockey and eating canadian beef in his thank you speech for 911 help. LOL- 4-5 years later! He should have just sent a card.
oh I also should mention that I dont have much of an opinion either way about bush… being not American. BUT, I do realize that what he does does affect us too, I’m not denying it. But since I have no voting power in the US I’m not about to be concerned with it, its up to the americans!
I couldn’t disagree more with what has been said on the subject of Tyler. Most 11 year olds get their world views largely from their parents. Anyone with children and who spends time listening to them and their friends, or for that matter anyone who spends time with children and listens to them knows that. Rare is the child Tyler’s age who has sufficient experience to formulate truly independent opinions. But most kids learn with time which ideas of what they have been taught ring true and which require investigation and reevaluation.
Tyler will mature. And in my opinion, like others here, I would prefer to see him be a little more respectful and circumspect, but that too very likely will come with time. I also think Tyler could use a little more supervision with respect to his Internet use, but that is not my business. And anyway, I ask the adult here to come forward who can honestly claim never to have been disrespectful, arrogant, cruel or simply ignorant as a youth.
If one is going to read and post on a forum whose only rule seems to be no pornography and spam, one is going to have to put up with kids. The question is are you going to yell at them or be adults and provide kind advice and guidance?
Tyler, my advice to you would be to tone it down a bit. Be respectful but don’t be intimidated either. And for the record that goes for you 11 year old conservatives, too.
I agree with bombsquad. He is the one who’s there as well as other soldiers. I don’t think that anyone has been picking on Tyler. I also say to you, Tyler, that you are immature. Brains aren’t everything. I have a genious IQ also. So this may be picking on you, but you need to hear it. You are a low down modern thinking liberal! The liberal I can deal with, but you seem to like modern thinking. The evils of this are apparent. Who can we blame for the breakdown of the American family, people like you!!! I will give you an almost quote from The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton (great book btw). The worst sort of criminal is the educated criminal. We say that the most dangerous criminal now is the lawless modern philosopher. Comparatively thieves and bigamists are essencially moral men. Thieves respect property, they just want it to themselves to more perfectly respect it. But the modern thinker doesn’t belive in property as property, they wish to destroy the idea of personal possession. Bigamists respect the institution of marriage, or they would not go through the cerimonial and even ritualistic formality of bigamy. But the modern philosopher doesn’t respect marriage as marriage.
I bet you are also for abortion, based on the kid not being convenient. Maybe I should kill you, for your the one getting me to waste my time posting this thread. Liberals need to get things right. If their idea of moral doesnt change they will very likely never get the presidency again.
Another thing last I checked there was a 25% Iraqi support of the war, 3% against and the rest not sure if they should trust us or not. Not for or against. You need to get things like this straight. Maybe by asking someone there like, i dunno, bombsquad, what is up over there. Many voted for Kerry based on pity for the troops, but they voted for Bush. Hmmm, I wonder if we should pull our poor troops out like they want. Wait they dont. They arent selfish like someone, i dunno, like you!!! Thats what I have to say. I dont mean to be mean, but I want to reshape this country’s future.
You crazy Canadians…
it seems it may be time to put this thread out to pasture
IQ’s are total BS, and there’s no reason to bring them into this discussion. I have an IQ of around 150, but does that mean I can’t regard with respect the opinion of someone with an IQ of 100? Not to mention, IQ’s vary day to day, hour to hour. I have talked to people who study the test, and people’s IQ’s are known to vary +/- 10-25pts depending on their state of mind while taking the test. Also, IQ tests lose accuracy as you approach the extremes of someone’s mental capacity. Someone with an IQ of 150 will complete the average IQ test with a similar score and time to someone with an IQ of 165. Think exponential curve, in that at the distance from IQ increases, the accuracy of the test quickly decreases. Not to mention, if the test’s scores are severely skewed by proficiency in English, so does that mean that someone for whom English is a second language should be regarded as an idiot?
So, ricmbenson, don’t talk about morals, either. You and your morals are lower than the turd I scraped off my shoe this morning. Anyone who threatens murder is the one who is scum, and you are in the ranks of those who are destroying the American family. You live in a facist rabbit hole, making downright wrong statmenets as if they are fact. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A14266-2004Dec20.html <—Take this for example. Just because some guy with a test gave you a number of 180 doesn’t mean you can change fact. So, with that, take your lies and bigotry somewhere else, such as hell.
Tyler wasn’t being picked on until you put your foolish, ignorant words out there.
I think it’s worthy of mention that I have nothing against bombsquad, and someone being conservative doesn’t give me reason to. It’s bigots like you who I have many things against. In my eyes you should not claim to agree with anyone, since categorizing yourself with anyone else degrades the other person.
Finally, I’d like you to do the world a favor, ricmbenson, and take your lying, facist “modern thinker” bullshit and shove it up your ass, where it must’ve come from.
I think its funny that a lot threads end with an argument usually about posts made by 11 year olds…and peoples opinions on it. I think if we dont like it we should try ignoring it, and leave others alone a bit, cause things seem to go a bit too far. Oh, and I guess this is a case of me saying “do as I say not as I do…” so I guess you should ignore me because by me posting this I’m going against what I said. But I’m really bored so I’m posting anyway.
ricmbenson, I hope you know I had sadistic gay sex with your father last night while listening to that damn satan music and smoking the ganja. you are southern bigot. face it. its one thing to be againstgay marriage, but what is wrong with modern thinking? get out of the past. anyways, you are a closet gay, who has a 1/2 in long penis and is making up for it by being macho and ultra facist. I win
Creepy. A creepy thing to say. This sentence has nothing to do with politics, whatever side you’re on.
A bad and sinister choice of words.
I was not saying that burgalars, bigamists, or murderers were moral men, but compared to modern thinkers they are to some degree. Also that statement was trying to prove a point. I am sorry that I offened people when I said it.