Alright, so there are already 2 threads out there discussing Bush’s presidency, but neither of them allow for open debate, which is just a poor idea. So, here’s a thread with a nice spark and M-80 to start the fires which the others failed to do.
Bush sucks. He sucks more than a leech at a blood bank. Vampires idolize him, trying to understand his secret to sucking so hard and so much.
With that said, here’s a few reasons backing up my statement, which is more than can be said for most of what comes out of the of mouths (or is it the other end?) Bill O’Reiley or Rush Limbaugh.
-Bush put us over $500,000,000,000 into debt.
-He is destroying the environment on the basis that mountains of scientific evidence are wrong and the profits of a small number of already rich exec’s are more improtant than the health of the next 20 generations.
-Bush and his co-horts lie through their teeth to the American public. Of course there were WMD’s, daddy gave them to Saddam! But instead of listening to the boundless voices of logic in the UN and Europe, Bush decided to go to war on the pretence that there were WMD’s. But of course there weren’t any, because the lying fool didn’t care to use his intelligence agency correctly to find that the UN sanctions were working.
-Bush and his chronies cheated in 2 consecutive elections. No, I am not making this up, ask the many black citizens of Florida who were unable to get a Senator to suport them in their objections to Bush’s elections verdict in 2000. Then, ask the people who noticed that there were counties in Ohio that were over 80% registered Democrat, but went about 80-90% Republican. Then remember that the president of the company that made the voting machines was quoted with saying something along the lines of “I will do everything in my power to deliver this election to Bush.” Then notice how the election results, for the first time in the history of our Sovergn Nation, directly contradicted the exit polls from earlier in the day.
-Bush has decided he will continue to fight abortion, despite the fact that the highest court in the land already decided it should be legal. He of all people should know that outlawing something doesn’t stop it, since he did plenty of cocain and marijuana back during his rich frat days. I know he ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knew those substances weren’t the kinds of things you should wave around in front of a police officer.
-Bush is alienating our Allies. Whatever you say, you can’t start 2 wars and then go it alone, expecially without an exit strategy. However much most Americans hate to say it, we need France, and on top of that Germany. China and Japan would also be helpful.
-Speaking of China and Japan, what kind of good leader makes it so 30 cents on every tax dollar go to foreign banks in the east to pay off interest on the aformentioned >$500,000,000,000 national debt?* No matter how evil and rutheless a ruler of a third world country is, the first thing any of them do after a refolution is nationalize the banks, so if they go into debt the money stays in the local economy. Of course that basic economic concept must be far beyond the level that can be conceptualized by Greenspan or Bush.
-What kind of leader with a clear conscience refuses to allow followup questions in the few press ocnferences he gives. Then, on top of it, what kind of leader cites the reason as “The will of the people”? I don’t know about you,b ut want to know what’s going on in office, and followup questions are a key part of such knowledge.
-What kind of president tries to block the comission investigating the biggest terrorist attack in the nation’s history, and then when the attempt fails, what kind of president refuses to testify and tries to prevent members of his cabinet from doing so too?
-What kind of leader starts a war without an exit strategy at a time when his country is going broke?
-What kind of leader tries to enlarge the nuclear arsenal of the homeland at a time when we could destroy all humanity 3 times over, and then turns around and tells others not to build an arsenal?
I figure that’s enough for now, but I think the above ius enough reason why Bush sucks. Now, please, all you conservative out there, convince me otherwise.*
One thing, I know this is a family forum, but anyone with the patience to read a political post of this magnitude this far is also mature enough to hear some profanity. You have been warned.
*Just don’t complain about liberal whining. All you conservatives who whine about liberal whining should shut the hell up. Fine and dandy to complain about Democrats taking your money and giving to those who"don’t deserve it," but then you better not turn around and vote for the dumbass wretch who makes it so 30% of our tax dollars go to foreign banks. At least the money taken for welfare goes to someone who is 99/100 to need it! Also, don’t support the death penalty and then vote for a man with the blood of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civillians, and >1600 American soldiers on his hands. And shut your yap when you go talking about moral values. Your moral values can kiss my ass when you vote for the person who condones torture and tries to exempt foreigners from the rights granted by the Geneva convention. And why are conservatives so eager to repeal all of the Amendments but the Second?
Notice how I don’t use republican, since republicans aren’t bad (well, comparatively), they’re just democrats who win. But to slander the good name of and American party by calling Bush a republican is just wrong. The correct party would have values synonmous with those of a facist.
Now please, prove me wrong. And none of that “no posting by those who agree or disagree” bullshit. That’s a load of crap.
Open Season