Bush Sucks

Alright, so there are already 2 threads out there discussing Bush’s presidency, but neither of them allow for open debate, which is just a poor idea. So, here’s a thread with a nice spark and M-80 to start the fires which the others failed to do.

Bush sucks. He sucks more than a leech at a blood bank. Vampires idolize him, trying to understand his secret to sucking so hard and so much.

With that said, here’s a few reasons backing up my statement, which is more than can be said for most of what comes out of the of mouths (or is it the other end?) Bill O’Reiley or Rush Limbaugh.

-Bush put us over $500,000,000,000 into debt.

-He is destroying the environment on the basis that mountains of scientific evidence are wrong and the profits of a small number of already rich exec’s are more improtant than the health of the next 20 generations.

-Bush and his co-horts lie through their teeth to the American public. Of course there were WMD’s, daddy gave them to Saddam! But instead of listening to the boundless voices of logic in the UN and Europe, Bush decided to go to war on the pretence that there were WMD’s. But of course there weren’t any, because the lying fool didn’t care to use his intelligence agency correctly to find that the UN sanctions were working.

-Bush and his chronies cheated in 2 consecutive elections. No, I am not making this up, ask the many black citizens of Florida who were unable to get a Senator to suport them in their objections to Bush’s elections verdict in 2000. Then, ask the people who noticed that there were counties in Ohio that were over 80% registered Democrat, but went about 80-90% Republican. Then remember that the president of the company that made the voting machines was quoted with saying something along the lines of “I will do everything in my power to deliver this election to Bush.” Then notice how the election results, for the first time in the history of our Sovergn Nation, directly contradicted the exit polls from earlier in the day.

-Bush has decided he will continue to fight abortion, despite the fact that the highest court in the land already decided it should be legal. He of all people should know that outlawing something doesn’t stop it, since he did plenty of cocain and marijuana back during his rich frat days. I know he ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knew those substances weren’t the kinds of things you should wave around in front of a police officer.

-Bush is alienating our Allies. Whatever you say, you can’t start 2 wars and then go it alone, expecially without an exit strategy. However much most Americans hate to say it, we need France, and on top of that Germany. China and Japan would also be helpful.

-Speaking of China and Japan, what kind of good leader makes it so 30 cents on every tax dollar go to foreign banks in the east to pay off interest on the aformentioned >$500,000,000,000 national debt?* No matter how evil and rutheless a ruler of a third world country is, the first thing any of them do after a refolution is nationalize the banks, so if they go into debt the money stays in the local economy. Of course that basic economic concept must be far beyond the level that can be conceptualized by Greenspan or Bush.

-What kind of leader with a clear conscience refuses to allow followup questions in the few press ocnferences he gives. Then, on top of it, what kind of leader cites the reason as “The will of the people”? I don’t know about you,b ut want to know what’s going on in office, and followup questions are a key part of such knowledge.

-What kind of president tries to block the comission investigating the biggest terrorist attack in the nation’s history, and then when the attempt fails, what kind of president refuses to testify and tries to prevent members of his cabinet from doing so too?

-What kind of leader starts a war without an exit strategy at a time when his country is going broke?

-What kind of leader tries to enlarge the nuclear arsenal of the homeland at a time when we could destroy all humanity 3 times over, and then turns around and tells others not to build an arsenal?

I figure that’s enough for now, but I think the above ius enough reason why Bush sucks. Now, please, all you conservative out there, convince me otherwise.*

One thing, I know this is a family forum, but anyone with the patience to read a political post of this magnitude this far is also mature enough to hear some profanity. You have been warned.

*Just don’t complain about liberal whining. All you conservatives who whine about liberal whining should shut the hell up. Fine and dandy to complain about Democrats taking your money and giving to those who"don’t deserve it," but then you better not turn around and vote for the dumbass wretch who makes it so 30% of our tax dollars go to foreign banks. At least the money taken for welfare goes to someone who is 99/100 to need it! Also, don’t support the death penalty and then vote for a man with the blood of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civillians, and >1600 American soldiers on his hands. And shut your yap when you go talking about moral values. Your moral values can kiss my ass when you vote for the person who condones torture and tries to exempt foreigners from the rights granted by the Geneva convention. And why are conservatives so eager to repeal all of the Amendments but the Second?

Notice how I don’t use republican, since republicans aren’t bad (well, comparatively), they’re just democrats who win. But to slander the good name of and American party by calling Bush a republican is just wrong. The correct party would have values synonmous with those of a facist.

Now please, prove me wrong. And none of that “no posting by those who agree or disagree” bullshit. That’s a load of crap.

Open Season

Re: Bush Sucks

First I am not really an avid listner of either, but for you to make such a statement I am assuming you are. If not you just repeating the words of others who likely don’t listen to them either.

Second… reasons, and facts are not the same. So even if you have reasons, if they are not based in fact it doesn’t really matter does it? All your arguments are just emotional rantings at that point.

I don’t want to get involved in a political discussion too much, but I would like to know why it is important to have France, Germany, and China as our allies. I see them more as indifferent nations or even enemies, especially China. We did not go into the war unilaterally. There are a huge number of countries, including Japan, Poland, Australia, Canada, Spain, Italy and most importantly, our long-time ally Great Britain who have participated with us in the war on terror. (I’m not sure that list is completely accurate, but it’s what I seem to recall hearing. Lots of other countries helped us as well.)

Also, if you look at Bush’s grand strategy, there is really only one war, the War on Terror, not two or more. Afghanistan and Iraq are just two facets of that war.

I don’t know if it’s correct to say either that Bush had no exit strategy. He may or may not. If he did/does have an exit strategy, it may be possible that we simply don’t know about it, or that it went wrong, due to faulty intelligence or unforeseen circumstances. Neither you nor I is in a position to say for sure. War strategy is usually secret, not matter for extensive news articles, which the enemy would be quite capable of reading.

This bugs me. Deficit spending is a huge problem, and something should be done about it.

You seem a little bit bitter. I really don’t understand why you’re posting a diatribe like that, since it’s not going to change anyone’s mind or do anything except make people aware of your political beliefs.

Re: Bush Sucks

This has got to be the worst and most flawed argument ever. It does not even deserve a response. Wait… I just gave it one. Damnit…

bombsquad, no offence to you, but before I read your post I thought, “ya know what, I’ll bet that military guy is for Bush…” and sure enough you were. The reason I knew that is because most if not all people in the army, navy, airforce, etc. are for Bush because the Military “brainwashes” them into thinking that. Bush is a jerk. I know you love your job, bombsquad, but think about all of those people who are getting killed in Iraq…wouldn’t you want to let them come home? The only reason they aren’t is because of Bush in office. Iraq is ABSOLUTELY NO THREAT TO US! If you are for the war because of the “torturous things” that are going on over there, what about Africa’s second holocaust? The only reason Bush doesn’t help them is because they don’t have oil, what Bush is crazy about. Bush sucks in new voters to vote for him and support him by making them think that by supporting the war they are a “good person” because they are helping so many endangered people. Well, new voters are wrong when they do that because they are really supporting the slaughter of hundreds of our troops and also the slaughter of hundreds of innocent Iraqies. Finally, the yellow ribbon is completely misinterpreted these days. When the yellow ribbon was first “invented,” it was meant to say “Until the troops come home” instead of “Support the troops by wasting billions of dollars trying to keep them over there and make things worse.” So, now that I’m done rambling, VOTE DEMOCRAT OR LIBERAL!


I’m sorry Tyler, but I refuse to get into an argument with someone who is not even of age to vote yet (Although I believe I will probobly get in an argument anyway".
You have NO idea what is going on over here, with your only source of information being the media and your parent’s interpretation of it. You were right when you said that the military is all for President Bush (that’s his name by the way, not Bush, or my buddy George). But it’s not because we are brainwashed. Where did you ever come up with that? That has to be one of the craziest comments I have ever heard someone say. We support President Bush because he takes care of us. Everyone over here supports the war on terrorism. The Iraqi citizens support our war on terrorism. The Iraqi government supports our war on terrorism. I have seen it with my own eyes. More Iraqi military and police forces (the good guys… stay with me here) are getting killed everyday then American troops. They are trying with all of their might to rid Iraq of the insurgents. And you know what? It is an amazingly noble cause to help people, half a world away, and risk your own life for it. It is completely and absolutely worth it. So you know what, Tyler? Don’t tell me im brainwashed.
And yes, I would love to go home, back to my wife. But you know what? There are more important things in life then your own personal happiness. Maybe one day you will see that…

And on another note, I am sorry if I typed a rather stern letter towards a kid. But this is something I feel rather strongly for. Whats the saying again? Three things you never bring up in a conversation… politics, religion, and battle of the sexes?

Tyler- I hate Bush, but why are you being such an ass to a soldier? I don’t supprt the war, but you have to support the troops. bombsquad isn’t calling the shots over there- Dubya is. Think before you post. How would you feel if you were fighting a “war” and some 12 yearold kid told you that you were being brainwashed into figthing and/ or liking the president. dont be such an ass.

Tylercox, if you aren’t mature enough to post a mature response, then stay out of big people conversations. Some of the people on this forum your age are knowledgeable about a little thing called tact, so I’m not busting on your age, just your maturity level. You’re never gonna get to sit the big people’s table at Thankgiving dinner with that kind of attitude young man. (couldn’t resist) :slight_smile:

After spending over 9 years in the Army on active duty, I can assure you that we were not brainwashed to support W. Bush, or as was for my case, Clinton and Daddy Bush. I agree that Bush is a jerk, but most of the rest of your post is trash. I can feel the jist of where your views are leaning, but your presentation is totally incorrect and misdirected.

Several of us expect an apology from you, while Bombsquad deserves one.

Bombsquad, I’m not against you AT ALL! I think you just made a mistake supporting Bush. When you say George Bush supports you, that means he sends over billions of dollars worth of supplies when he could just send you home, people would stop getting killed, and he could use that money for important things like schooling for kids like me and other kids on this forum. I am, in fact, not appologizing to anybody, though, because I still strongly stand next to my opinion. I hope this doesn’t affect anybody’s friendship with me, but I still think I am right. I’m also going to point out, if you knew me personally or even had a phone conversation with me, you would see how mature I really am. As for brains, when I was in second grade I was tested for IQ and had a result of 156. BTW, I don’t want to come across as bragging, I’m just letting you know that I’m not some little snot-nosed little idiot that has no idea what is happening in the world. ONE LAST THING: I recently read a poll that said 92% of all Iraqis DO NOT support what Americans are doing in Iraq.

-Tyler Cox

PS - I hear no conversation about what’s happening in Africa, what Presidnet Bush thinks of oil, what you think of the yellow ribbon, etc. Please explain your thoughts there, also.

Billy Im a Yamsta


I was wondering if this was just a trap to get Bugman to crawl out from under the refridgerator. Whatever it was, it succeeded in that. He crawls into a Bush thread like a cockroach into a crevice.

But this thread was started for “open debate.” Why are you objecting to the diatribe? Are you suggesting that the diatribe approach won’t change anyone’s mind, but that another approach will?

I keep imagining someone reading this might say: “Wow! Really!? I had no idea Bush was behaving that way, but now that I know, I regret voting for him , and I won’t vote for him next time.”

But really, these threads are just a way for those strange unicyclists to get a little “interaction.”

Im a Yamsta.

i dont think a lot of young people are in the position to be making a big political statement. i know ill be quoted on this and people will write like a page against my beliefs.

There was a day before 1776, right here in the USA, when the british nation in north america was trying to rid north america of terrorists, namely thomas jefferson and george washington–those damn insurgents. Of course those insurgents would not have won against a powerful nation like England without the help of France, to whom the USA owes it’s freedom from England. I don’t think we have to worry about any other powerful nation helping the insurgents in Iraq.

Back then a few colonists who most benefitted from ties to Britain probably said: The British citizens and true colonists support our war on terrorism. The British citizens and true colonists supports our war on terrorism. I have seen it with my own eyes. More British military and police forces (the good guys… stay with me here) are getting killed everyday. They are trying with all of their might to rid the colonies of the insurgents.

The USA, of course with the exception of Washington, DC, which still has taxation without representation (It’s license plate slogan).

Im a Yamsta.

If the Military brainwashes you to support the President, why did so many flee the Military when Clinton was President? I know this from firsthand experience.

The entire time I was in the Military not one of my superiors ever discussed politics or my vote. So your uneducated, illinformed OPINION that all the military is brainwashed is just about as far off base as it gets.

As for Brainwashing goes, maybe we should check out the government school you go to. My guess is the Union members, I meant teachers, have much more influence over your mind full of mush. Just look at what they did to gerblefranklin.:stuck_out_tongue:

I must have got brain washed too by being in a military family…Tyler, help me out with you vast knowledge and understanding of the world. You’re a regular Doogie Houser :roll_eyes:

Oooo! Oooo! A couple of big strong soldiers picking on a 9 year old. Real tough:D

Im a yamsta!

First, I’m 11 years old, not 9. Second, what’s wrong with being a union member? Union is what every business should be. Third, my teacher has no hold on my brain! She can say what she wants to say and I can believe what I chose to believe and not believe. In fact, there are quite a few things my teacher and I disagree on. Finally, let me restate this: I think that the military encourages you to support the commander in chief. Bombsquad, I must say you are coming across as a “I don’t know the answer but I’m not gonna reply so they don’t know I’m really dumb” kinda person. WHAT ABOUT OIL??? WHAT ABOUT THE YELLOW RIBBON??? WHAT ABOUT JOHN KERRY??? WHAT ABOUT AFRICA??? WHY IS BUSH SPENDING BILLIONS OF WASTED DOLLARS ON MILITARY CRAZINESS??? WHY NOT MONEY FOR SCHOOLS???

Heh heh heh… I was going to say something, but I’m just reading between the lines. Let your imagination go wild on what I was going to say. :smiley:

Now we have seperated this into two disinticly different things. America fighting for its independence from the British is completely different then fighting terrorists, wether they are from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi, etc… killing Iraqi civilians and military. They are not fighting for their independence from another country. I don’t recall George Washington strapping on a vest with 30 pounds of explosives covered in nails and bolts, walking onto a schoolbus full of CHILDREN, and detonating it. Thomas Jefferson never filled the hollow parts of a bicycle frame with plastic explosive, rode up next to a police car and blew it up. We are talking about two completely different things here, and there is no way they can ever be compared. The mindset of our founding fathers here in America was to have our own self-governing country. And you know what? Iraq has that now. And you know who is trying to stop it? The terrorists. They in NO way compare to Americans of the 1700’s.

And as for you tyler… Do yourself a favor, before digging yourself into an even deeper hole, and quit now. Im not saying to give up on our discussion. I am however saying to quit hyping yourself up by flashing a 2nd grade IQ test score around and saying how mature you are. Don’t post a statistic without saying where and when it came from. 67% of all stats are made up on the spot. And you also said “pull our troops out so we can spend more money here on things like my school”. So you feel that you having an even better school is worth an Iraqi child not being able to go to school? The same amount of money spent on putting YOU through school can put hundred’s of Iraqi children through a school. Like I said before, quit thinking about yourself and think about the bigger picture.

And my last point… Everyone feel free to go overseas and tell a terrorist that you don’t support this war. Let them know how you feel about our President, and that you feel their cause in justified. Just the fact that you are an American will have you on the evening news getting your head cut off.
If you are not over here, you have NO idea what it is like. The news doesn’t show the truth. The media would rather highlight Martha Stewart and Micheal Jackson then tell the real story of how it is over here. Nobody wants to hear about how succesful we are. It just doesn’t make good news to say “Yeah things are going really good” (which they are). You can’t keep making a news story that says that. They have to mix it up with headlines like “Stability in Iraq threatened” and “Iraqi support wavering”.
I have to quit now before my head explodes. Perhaps I will continue later.

Of course the military encourage me to support my commander. It is part of the oath of enlisment. If John Kerry was president then guess what? I would support him also. I don’t like him, and probobly never will, but if the majority of people in this country wanted him President then I would have to suck it up.
What didn’t I reply to? What makes me so dumb Tyler?

Just to humor you…

What about oil? What about it?.. If we were in this war for oil we would have taken over the oil fields and pumps and wells and started shipping it back to ourselves. We are not over here for oil, and I have no idea what else to tell you. I have done nothing over here to prove the fact that your saying we are here for oil.

Yellow ribbon? My family back home flies one. It has multiple meanings, but can be flown to show you have a soldier deployed overseas fighting the war.

John Kerry? I didn’t support him, just like you don’t support the President. But the majority of Americans didn’t vote for John Kerry, 'nuff said.

Billions of dollars on wasted war craziness? What the hell are you talking about?

Money for your school? Like I said in my last post, stop thinking about yourself all the time, and think about other less fortunate children who don’t even know what a school is.

Haha all of Tylers views come from his parents. His parents must be pretty liberal. I know I used to. I know that most of my views are from them but I have got my own going too that are different then theirs. Once you get to about 17-18 your own views start to show.

most of the things he said was wrong but bombsquad took care of that.:smiley: