Soooo, my car was laid up for repairs and I jumped at the chance to use the unicycle/mass transit combo to get to work. I unicycled to the subway and then to one of those double length buses with a swivel section in the middle of the bus. I don’t know what I was thinking but I sat in the swivel section and put my uni behind the seat. BAD IDEA!!! As the bus took off it TURNED! I watched <in horror> as my unicycle was crushed between the accordian deals in the wall and the bars of the rail by the door . The tire was pinched right to the rim. As the bus eased back straight I pulled it free only to find that the seat had twisted 30 degrees and the wheel got mildly tacoed. All I can say is that I truly was not thinking and that I am glad it wasn’t a KH!! But then again, a KH probably would have survived that unscathed.
ooch. that’s terrible!!! hope it didn’t cost much cuz it’ll probably cost twice what you paid to get it repaired. you’re probably gonna be in the market for a new uni …
That’s to bad:(
KH or not, any broken uni is a disasster.
that sucks:( wat kind of uni was it?
Call up the transit folks.
There’s a halfway decent chance they might replace your unicycle. There’s a much better chance they’ll put up something to keep unicycles/personal belongings/small children out of the pinchy place. That’s something that definitely needs fixing.
Thanks for your kind words everyone. It is a Yuni 29er. It is one of those situations where bikes are not allowed on buses so I take the uni on and try not be noticed (probably why I stowed it behind the seat). I figure that it is smaller than most baby strollers though and should be allowed. There are not many laws specifically for unicycles so I try not to give them a reason to make them. At this point I am chalking it up to my stupidity and swallowing the loss. It is still ridable…I was able to straighten the seat…the post wasn’t tweaked. The wheel could use some work for sure. Hopefully this will prevent others from making the same mistake.