bunnyhug or hoodie

who calls it a bunnyhug and who calls it a hoodie? :thinking:

umm sweatshirt here, but im gonna start caling them bunny hugs, thats so awesome…


Sweatshirts usally,but when talking about one in a magazine or store or somthing,hoodie.Maybe.

I’ve never heard of a bunnyhug.

In the UK:

without a hood = sweatshirt
with a hood = er, hoodie

ARGH! why you no use the polls!!!

Kids here in the Midwest call them hoodies.

Sweatshirts and hooded-sweatshirts. I’ve never heard of bunnyhug and can’t bring myself to say hoodie.

complete threadjack, but yoopers do you think people in the midwest have southern accents…? becuase it seems like the twelve miles we go down south to get to kentuky they have them, and the people 12 miles north of us have them, but only like 2 kids that i can think of have the accent here in e-ville. your opinion?


its hoodie or sweatshirt here

its hoodie here in Iowa. But we don’t have southern accents.


Never heard the term bunnyhug ever. I call the uncomfortable pullover hoodies and the nice zip up ones zip up hoodies. But…yeah people around here say hoodie

Ditto. Do I sound Canadian when I speak?

I feel the same as JJuggle.

So does George W. Bush. I tried to get him to say hoodie, but he couldn’t do it.