Bunch of Conspiracy know nothing nuts! (9/11)

WHY are these eye witnesses not being looked into? Just the one’s the support the “official story”… Why would they lie about something like this. A true patriot will always ask questions and look for what’s best for the country.

Oooh, it’s a garbage truck. You can see it’s a garbage truck, right? What does a demolition company do with a garbage truck? Is that the question? That’s where you put all the stuff that got demolished. Outside of a crowded city you might use a dumpster, that could sit there for days or longer, but in some locations there just might not be a place to put one so you might have to load it up directly into a truck. Oooh.

“truck that block’s the view?” Very professional.

Ok so that guy seems to be an expert between what an explosion sounds like and what something like an explosion sounds like. Wow really convincing. He also heard something that sounded like a countdown on a radio that was covered and you couldn’t hear it, so there must have been a countdown to a planned explosion/demolition, a count down that went out over all police radios. How many cops are there in NYC? Are they all under the thumb of the conspiracy to keep quiet even though many of their partners and co-workers died? A demolition truck crossed in front of a camera a mile or so away from the WTC, so they must have been there to demolish the world trade center (or other demolition/construction in the city. NYC is under constant renovation). Some guy stood up and asked questions about something so they must be? Oh and the BBC said Building 7 collapsed while the building was still standing in the background. First of all they didn’t play the audio of the clip in the video so we didn’t hear them say it and second why would the conspiracy tell the BBC?

Where was this evidence you said you had?

What’s happening with those “Unicycle for christ” threads again? I thought it was over now :roll_eyes:

personally, i think its foolish to take anything like that happened on 9/11 with blind faith

True believers never let facts get in the way of their wacky theories.

I have Fortean Times each month: an excellent read. I particularly liked the long explanation of the conspiracy theories about Steve Fossett faking his death - published a few days before they found his body.

Maybe there was a countdown. So what? If WTC 7 had been demolished in a planned way, this would have been public. But it was not demolished in a planned way (unless someone has some evidence to the contrary). Besides, they never said this countdown ended at the destruction of the tower. What was the timeline of the countdown and the collapse of the building?

If the countdown were part of something secret, it wouldn’t have been sent out on the radio. Radio waves are open. Anyone can listen in. Police/Red Cross radio frequencies would not be encrypted.

BTW, if you were going to secretly demolish a building, I can’t think of a better way to hide your activities then with a bright red truck that says Manhattan Demolition on the side. That oughta do it!

BTW BTW, was that truck ever seen anywhere in the vicinity of the WTC area, or just in that one video clip? That was many blocks away, maybe half a mile.

I remember them announcing the building was (probably) going to collapse an hour or more before it did. So they were expecting it to collapse, and that’s why they “pulled” the firefighting team out and established a perimeter (if there wasn’t one already). Then they waited.

BTW, if you have a building that’s so damaged you think it’s going to fall down, what do you do if it doesn’t? They probably would have had to knock it the rest of the way down anyway. That being the case, it would not seem scandalous if they did that a day or two later, so why not say they did if they did?

Looking for answers is fine. But so far most of the questions suck.

So do I. Especially the stuff that didn’t happen, and the stuff that keeps getting suggested on the basis of bad editing, bad science and ignoring of other information.

BTW John I was being sarcastic. I hope you recognized that. You are making the same points I was trying to.

I assume we agree that there really isn’t anything even mildly convincing in this video.

Way to ignore the firefighter guys.

A countdown on a radio (we know there are many different frequency that could be used, so unlikely that anyone else picked it up.) could have been known for anything for anyone else that actually picked it up. Surely though the frequency used is not able to be picked up by casual equipment. I know they are atleast around mandan ND, let alone NYC.

The truck is interesting since nothing had collapsed at the time. Preparing for a collapse and a quick clean up so no investigation could go on? Keep in mind that is what happened too.

Got you though didn’t it? Also you mentioned the truck was far enough out. It’s a good possiblilty that they weren’t not expecting to get that truck in any shot.

Except for the guy that said only a few seconds later that building started to collaspe (after the countdown went to zero). Surely a few seconds in about the time for the charges to go off and the building to start to collapse. That’s not far fetched.

How? Did that ever come across your mind. Who is experienced enoguh to look at a building in almost perfect condition with very little fires (just watch the videos of it before it starts coming down) and say. “yep that building is goign to collapse”. that’s more crazy than this whole theory. people can’t predict building collaspe. Unless of course it’s swaying, and noticeably compromised. Which in videos seconds before it collapses does not look like this. Why didn’t the commission report go over WTC7?

And no all the cops wouldn’t have to be under any thumb. (See this is what I don’t like, you take one little small statement, blow it up huge, and use that as a fact against me. come on.) Like I said before, MANY different frequencies. the countdown could have just been on the radios of some firefighters in the area. It’s not like it was picked up by radios in cars. Think they you’re crude concepts before posting. keep in mind im’ only 20 years old and sounding more logicall then you guys are. But then again, older people don’t come around to this concept of false flag attacks. Too much fake “american pride”. Real american pride is giving justice to where to belongs.

Shaun, why do you care so much? This is worse than the unicycle for christ threads. Live and let die.

Seperate Post…

The best thing to do is to stop argueing with me, and let my message get out to those who want it. You will not stop people from learning truth, if you just use your mind and block out the concept of it being your own damn country you would come around. The odds that it was terrorist are soooo extreme, amoung ALL evidence, that to believe it was a false flag attack is actually the easy way. You ever heard of Operation Northwoods? this was a published government document about a false flag attack. What makes you think we wouldn’t do it again?

Seriously though, if this happened it Russia. And the stats were basically the same, we would not only accept it was truth they did it to themselves but we would already have gone to War with Russia for attack it’s own country.

Dudewithasock seriously? just let this fade into the past? Like, what? It never happened? Please stop posting, period. You look like a fool saying that 9/11 should just be forgotten. Let our governmen get away with murder, fake war entrances, money, power (home land security, patriot act). I’m really questioning your competence here. Stop posting. Please for your own sake of looking more like an idiot. You can’t be from America with a comment like that.

Edit: Ohhh your from Texas. Home of Bush! I see where you get off saying something like that. You’re sad. Way to make Bush proud!

Ever heard of Air India Flight 182? And why can’t they do it again?

Edit: I haven’t previously heard of Operation Northwoods. Looked it up. It was just a plan that was never executed. Not the best example then.

Shaun, the more you post the crazier you seem.

There are probably a 100 demolition clean up trucks on the streets of Manhattan any day of the year. One being within a mile of the WTC the day it collapsed is not evidence of anything.

The guy asking the questions at the big meeting said the countdown went out on all police radios. If it went out on all police radios then there would be enough people who heard it that more than a few would have said something about it.

Just like you get to post and dispute the commonly accepted version we.
We get to post and dispute your version since there is little factual or scientific evidence to support your version.

Like I’ve already said before, and I’ll say it again, all you’ve given so far are people saying they heard explosions, which we’ve already said many times is no conclusive proof of bombs, and you’ve given supposed physics that also untrue if you look at all the information and how physics actually work.

If you’d like I can post youtube videos too that dispute every argument you have, would that be easier for you to understand.

Yep! One of the world’s tallest buildings collapses, thousands are killed or injured, a pall of dust and smoke rises over the city, and the wreckage of two aircraft are scattered over a huge area. Good job they had a truck standing by for a quick clean up, otherwise it could’ve taken weeks. :roll_eyes:

I didn’t say it should be forgotten, don’t put words in my mouth. I’m just saying that the more fervently you post about this, the less you’re convincing anyone. You sound like some crazy prophet right now, and none of it is helping your case.

Oh and by the way, the personal attacks are really nice. Keep it up!

Isn’t that what you’re doing with the fella who said to ‘pull’ the building?

Way to ignore most of what we’re saying.

How about “all police radios”? You seem to know about as much about radio as you do about physics. But it doesn’t matter. If it went out on all the police radios, that’s close enough to a public broadcast to not matter. So though I only hear it being mentioned by two people in the video, I have no trouble accepting that something was counted down on the radio. Now the onus is on you to explain why you would do that if it was a demolition charge that was later going to be denied? Why do all the police need to know about this countdown if the area has already been evacuated?

No, the truck is funny because you crackpots think it means something. How much destruction do you think would fit in one garbage truck?

I think you have a limited idea of the scale of things in NYC. I was there for the unveiling of the refurbished Statue of Liberty on July 4, 1986. I watched the biggest fireworks display I’ll probably ever see from the middle of Battery Park. It included a laser light show being projected from the top of the Twin Towers. Five million people watched that display in person, in NY and NJ. It’s the biggest crowd I hope I’ll ever be in for the rest of my life. You couldn’t move through it. By the time everything was over and after the 45 minutes it took us to get the couple of hundred meters to the edge of the park (walking through ankle-deep trash) I saw a wonderous thing. Garbage trucks stretching as far as the eye could see, up West Street. Must have been at least a hundred of them, all lined up and ready to go.

I think somebody besides video-makers for the crackpot society would have noticed if there were lots of those trucks around.

Uh, yeah. It only took about a year to clean it all up, and there was never any investigation. Unless you count the 9/11 Report. Not saying I agree with everything in there, but I have no reason to believe stuff that has no support to it.

Ever heard of Occam’s Razor? Essentially it’s the axiom of "“All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.” So far, the simplest solution is that jets flew into the towers and caused a tremendous amount of destruction. No bombs needed. They tried bombs in 1993, remember? It didn’t work.

To believe the Bush Administration, an organization that created some of the biggest F-ups in American histlry, was behind that is giving them an awful lot of undue credit, don’t you think?

BTW, you seem to have given up on the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crashes. Why? Still plenty of nonsense based on junk information to dispute the official stories for those too, right?

They who? On 9/11, there were probably thousands (literally) of people recording video. At least paint your truck beige or something, to make it less noticeable. Better yet, don’t advertise on the side of it if you’re trying to hide something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh, an engineer? Why on earth do you think the building was in almost perfect condition. Remember Mr. Jennings’ description of the lobby as he was being led out? Why was he trapped if the building was in such great condition? The building had a giant hole in the front, from what I remember, and was clearly structurally compromised. Do you have pictures or video that show the building being in “almost perfect” condition after the towers’ collapse?

That I don’t know, but I think the report was more about security and preparedness for terrorist attacks. That’s just a guess though. But absence of evidence is just that, non-evidence. It is the vacuum upon which conspiracy theories (and Bigfoot/UFO stories) are built.

I’m fine with disputing the quotes of the guys in the video if you want, but he said “all police radios.” That includes the ones in cars. Yes, the radio in my car doesn’t pick up police frequencies. You need a CB, or any wide-band radio for that. Lots of people have them. If you broadcast it by radio. it’s receivable by any radio in range that’s tuned to the necessary frequency.

Could you run that by me again? Think thy you’re? What were you trying to say about radios there anywhere? Maybe it’s 20-something logic.

So you’re saying you think these attacks were planned and executed by a group of people that excluded anyone “older”? That might actually make more sense.

And Shaun, do you really think American pride is being stupid? Why do I keep responding to these threads? I’m trying to help you!

  • I believe those guys heard explosions (or stuff that sounded like explosions)
  • I don’t doubt there was a countdown on the radio
  • I don’t deny the existence of red garbage trucks
  • I don’t think the 9/11 commission was very thorough, nor was it non-partisan, etc.

what a joke!