Hey there. I’m new here, but I was wondering if any of you knew where I could find Unicycling Bumper Stickers, Shirts, items such as these. I’d greatly appreciate info! Thanks!
They’ve got some and they send you a unicycle.com bumpersticker with your purchase.
There’s lots of stuff on cafepress.com too.
Darren Bedford has shirts as well.
Yeah bedfordunicycles.ca has alot of shirts…but you can’t see pictures of them.
Welcome to the forums pfalvi. If you do buy something from unicyclist.com, use this link. It gives Gilby (webmaster) some money to help support the forums.
Here’s a t-shirt design I made that you can feel free to get from Cafepress or somewhere.
Edit: actually, now that I’ve posted it, are there any Photoshop wizards out there who can clean it up a little bit, and make the lines less blurry? It would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
it is easy. that guy is just on a staircase.