I am from finland, 9th grade @ school and i am going to make Unicycle there.
i just need plan (or whats that called when u draw pic & stuff to paper :), so if someone could give me plan or dimensions of Unicycle.
im going to use 20" wheel, so i wouls like to know lenghts and stuff for fork, pedals, pipe between fork & bench ect.
Thank you
(sry bad english, didnt have time to think all the terms
yea thanks, that wus the word
if someone has blueprints for Unicycle, i need them!
Post please, for any help. i know most of you have unicycle and measuring tape
well i tried building a uni myself sometime ago, of course i realized it was easier getting one, i found this, hope it helps… http://www.ype.unicyclist.com/enindex.htm