Bugman, Still another question about bugs

My boss’s granddaughter got bitten by a Brown Recluse at his house. She’s fine (after 3 days at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital). The dudes treating the house say “Once you’ve got Brown Recluse, you never fully get rid of them.” Everyone is upset, of course. Now Grandbaby is not allowed at Granddaddy’s house. They’ve been trapping and trapping. But we’re talking about a 5000 sq ft house. Too many hidey holes. He’s gotten rid of the boxes in the attic. He’s moved all the beds away from the walls…

Short of voodoo, what do you do?

-Tom :thinking:

I see a scene from ET on it’s way.

Re: Bugman, Still another question about bugs


i’m not speaking for yoopers here…but - we know we’re not helping, we’re simply helping u pass the time till bugman gets here and sorts it out

Re: Re: Bugman, Still another question about bugs

Well said.

Re: Re: Bugman, Still another question about bugs

Nice place. 5 BR. 5 Baths. On the hill. Wooded lot. Must share with a few very quiet inhabitants. $750,000 (or best offer)


Rubbish. They can be eliminated. Variety of things that can be done. Have him give me a call at 800-877-7290. If he is the research type, he can also read our article here.

Thanks bug, I’ll pass it along.

PS if you have a printing emergency, I’ll return the favor…

You guys only do large stuff right? Nothing like bumper stickers.

Whoa, that’ll be one sad little girl by day 10.:frowning:

Just to be clear, spiders are not bugs.

that’s got to be some kind of industry in-joke, cause i don’t get it

A Spider is technically an arachnid, 4 pairs of legs rather than 3.

And according to this article:


Beg pardon. I defer to the pro. They look so similar on the bottom of my shoe.

Bugman, I have 2 kitties who do a pretty good job of keeping most bugs and arachnids at bay. Are they in danger? They’re good at playing with and swatting so I hope they can avoid being bit. However, will they get sick by eating a BR, poison gland and all?

I have not heard of any instances were a cat eating a BR has been a problem. I’ll check around, and see if any of my fellow PCO’s in Recluse country can site any times when it has been an issue.

Okay, as promised… I checked with a few other entomolgists, and one that specializes in spiders responded to my question.

As for sharing my house, I think he is a little on the extreme and likely never been bitten. :smiley: