Well no unicycling for at least 10 days for me. Probably more though. Me and two of my friends were up the hills behind were we live, just doing the usual crazy fun stuff, agravating bee-hives, climbing passionfruit vines 20m above the ground and jumping huge gaps in nature…
Anyway we were launching ourselves down this huge bike jump and just wiping out at the bottom, it was really fun, my friends stopped for a while and I kept going, all was going swell and i was just becoming really muddy, anyway I ran up for my last jump and then realised my footing wasn’t right, i slowed down and hardly jumped at all just flopped down the jump, I landed in some soft dirt and just let my knee sink into it, unbeknown to me I was letting my knee sink ito a sharp rock, I continued to roll down the hill (I still had quite a lot of momentum despite the small jump) i came to a stop and looked at my knee which was a bit sore, I realised something wasn’t right when I could see the little fat molecules and red muscles of my knee, a huge flap of skin had been cut and i was left with a cut about 10cm long on my knee, it was very deep and blood began pouring out. It was full of dirt also which didn’t help. Anyway after sitting for about 5 mins we had to begin heading back, i was going to walk back to my friends an call my mum from there to take me to get it stiched up, so after about half an hour of walking down steep hill with a huge flap of skin dangling off my leg we arrived at my friends (it normally would have taken about 10 mins) I called my mum and after getting a bit cleaned up we went to the emergency doctor. After an hour or cleaning and scrubbing, countless anaesthetics and 10 stiches we emerged. I am now told i cant even go to school for 2 days, i basically have to sit with my leg up for 2 days (im starting to get cramp) the stiches should come out in 10 days but im still not sure how long before i can pick up my sports again (especailly unicycling)…
This all comes at not the best time unicycling wise. I haven’t had a decent uni for the last 2 months and when i finally begin to organise getting one from Australia this happens, im not sure when my new uni will arrive (i’ll post again to let you know the details)…half of me wants it now and half of me only wants it when im healed as i don’t think i could stand having a brand new uni sitting in my house. so basically this is a bit of a bummer. Though looking on the bright side I have never had stiches before so its all a new experience and i’ll be left with an awesome scar, so not all is lost…
P.S sorry I guess this is a bit boring but i just had to tell someone.