I was class of '76. It was the bicentennial. Ra Ra USA, USA. Red white and blue everywhere, even on the black people. And never more so than when USA so kicked ass at the Olympics with the most macho man walking. He made Chuck Norris chuck. World’s greatest champion. Bruce Lee started to refer to himself as Brucie. In a class by himself, he actually was able to teach Americans what the decathlon was . Now that Iv’e put my flag down and cooled off, I can’t tell you what the decathlon was, There was a lot of disgusting discussion in the lead up to Bruce kicking a Russian ass throwing a poorly designed Frisbee. Then he cleared the last few hurdles, sprinted down the last dash, and then I, and all Americans, shared the greatest country on earth, with the greatest macho athlete of all time.
And then 30 years passed, and most riders here are convinced FTL is on another nutty rant. WTF is a decathlon? Trust me, it was huge in '76.
So 30 years later, then came the Kardasians. World champion attention whores of all time. Honestly, I still think Paris was hotter, but my perfume line has not sold well lately either. It’s a competitive world. Kim kicks ass. They don’t even remember your name, all they remember is Kim’s ass.
So what is Bruce Jenner to do. Die remembered as Kim’s unphotoed forgotten step dad?
No ! Bruce will go where no man has gone before. Joan Rivers would have advised against even trying. Before giving him her frequent flyer plastic discount coupons. On her grave , can’t take them with her. Take them Bruce.
This is now Bruce’s challenge. Become a greater attention whore than Kim, at least as hot a girl as Paris Hilton, and find a better plastic surgeon than Joan River’s had at age 65.
Being a patriotic american who truly believes that having my ass kicked by a 65 year old woman would suck, I will post only one more offensive comment.
I still think Paris Hilton is hotter than Kim and Bruce’s new goal will be harder than setting a world record in the Olympics. How hard ? A lot harder than his dick will be when they turn it inside out to be a pussy and shove it half way to his ass. So hard that his next big gig could be standing next to Melissa Rivers at the red carpet, while he plays the role of Joan’s cadaver.
I apologize to any trans gender people on the forum, as well as the other 3 people that read my posts, if my comments seem offensive. Just saying, it’s Bruce fucking Jenner. He’s set the bar mighty high for this one.