I have an old Sears 16" unicycle with a solid rubber tire. It is my first unicycle and I have just started to get the hang of riding it. Until, of course, several spokes broke. Since it seems that there is not any reasonable way to fix the spokes, I was wondering if there was any way I could use a BMX rim and tire to replace it. Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions?
I think it would be more worth your while with a newer, stronger unicycle. Especially one with a more comfortable seat.
The torker CX or LX are usually what most forum members would recommend. I’ve tried the Club unicycle on Unicycle.com (UDC) and it’s pretty decent. Or if you know what style of unicycling you want to explore, choose something that is a little more expensive and designed for that specific style.
EDIT: Welcome to the forums! Make yourself at home!
Get the lx if you can because the cx has a bad seat. They’ll both suffice, but the cx is just uncomfortable.
Yeah, never get a cx
Everyone says the seat is a pain and the whole uni is a big step down from an lx or ax Torker, to save just a few $, not worth it.
I would recommend buying this Torker lx 24 .
They have free shipping.
It might be a bit cheaper here.
Lower price, but you pay a reasonable ship fee.
In any event, an lx 24 would be a much more fun and ultimately cheaper way to advance in uni riding, then spending money on your old 16.
Once you decide on the uni you want, use google and shop around, because the deals change and you can often save 100 $ or more over what UDC charges.
Unicycle. Com ( UDC) has the best selection, and is the first place to go to learn what is available, but their prices are top dollar.
Way, maybe, reason, no. It depends on the version of Sears unicycle you have. Some of them were made with “real” bike parts, while others were made with tricycle parts. Sounds like yours came from the tricycle parts bin, so any money invested into it would be a bad idea. Start fresh! If you want to keep it cheap, start at eBay and then ask questions about what you find there.