broken spokes

how likley do spokes break and how obvious is it when they go?
I took my unio to school today because i need it for my art project, i am not aload to have it round school and can only bring it if it is left in my art classroom so I took it to the room and left it in the cupboard that i always leave it in when i took it there i was late and the class was already going in, as i walked past this kid who has been known to steel things from school and peoples bags and me and my friends hate and have given hem a seeing too on a few accations he said “weres your red nose and fluffy hair” and laughed, i would have turned around right then a smacked him but there was loads of people around so i prtended i didnt hear it, he saw were i put my uni and when i went back to get it out for my lesson a few hours later the cupboard was open i didnt notice straight away, i only noteced after riding it for a while but two of my spokes are now broken by the flange, both next to eachover on the rim but on differend sides of the flanges and i was woundering if i should go and show him how i feel of if its normal for spokes to break and if i should of heard them go if i was riding it? also can spokes normaly be bought seperatly? if so can i buy them from UDC? i read on a few threads that it isnt too bad to ride it with a few broken spokes as long as i dont do anything big, is this ok?

thanks in advanced if anyone can answer any of or all of my questions i will be very thankful

I ran out of breathe reading that.

Take it to your LBS and they will replace your broken spokes and true your wheel for a small charge.

yea sry i still havnt fully grasped the consept of full stops so i just use lots of commas, in my defence I am dyslexic but then again I am 16 :frowning:
my closest bike shop isnt realy tht local but i will go there tomorrow and have a look, thanks

I haven’t broken any spokes on a uni yet but have broken a couple on my bike. You said that they broke at the flange so I don’t think that your “friend” had anything to do with it so no worries there.:slight_smile: When the spokes broke on my bike I did not notice right away and they were both broken at the elbow/flange. A bike shop should be able to fix your wheel for relatively cheep. I would suggest getting the wheel rebuilt as your spokes are probably fatigued causing the failure in the first place. If you ride to long on a wheel with broken spokes the uneven tension could warp your rim.:frowning:

Hope this helped


Yeah, when i had broken spokes on my bike recently i didnt notice it until i took it in for a service (coz the back wheel was slightly buckled) apparently it was the busted spoke.
They shouldnt charge much for this - i got mine replaced and wheel trued for nothing!

ok thanks for your help, u may have saved my “friend” from getting hurt, today I will ask the teacher if he saw anything, i have ordered 6 new spokes of UDC because I thought that it is probalbly likley to happen again and its not hard to add new spokes i thought it would be easyer, cheaper and quicker than going to a bike shop everytime to get them to fix it