Broken CF Bases??

Has anyone ever broken their CF base? If yes what did you do that caused it to break. And if not what have you done to it that its withstood?


Ryan Atkins has snapped one.

Thats all I know.

Anyone else?

For Ryan you probably have to list things by what he hasn’t managed to break… :slight_smile:

i broke my first cf base. Back then i was only doing seat-in hops with a reeder handle, i think that contributed alot to the demise. A crack started at one edge of the base towards the front and worked its way to the other side over the course of about a month. I knew about the crack and knew it was going to break for a while so it wasnt like it just happened one day and i was surprised when it happened. Still, im very happy with the use i got out of that base. It took a beating!

Very few people have broken CF bases. They are super strong. Its a good idea to put a layer of rubber (eg inner tube) between the seatpost plate and the base, as cracks may start in this area.

Great advice, these bases should ship with an instruction manual. Even if my CF base does snap, so long as it lasts more than say 6 months of street/trials then it has been worthwhile.
I also suggest to anyone that buys one to prepare the edges of the base so they dont cut through your fusion cover (or any other saddle cover you are using)

Well im buying mine From PDC othese forums so it may or may not come with a amanual. An i plan to put rubber tubing around both sides of the base to protect my cover and my hands.

Took my seat apart last night to tighten some bolts, and noticed that the back of the cf base (under the bumper) had a couple of huge cracks.

Hard impact with pavement is the likely culprit - I think it occurred during a high-speed gliding accident a couple of months ago. I never bothered to look under the seat cover until now.

Evan rode his swallis base without a bumper and smashed up the back.

Remember to use a bumper!

Besides using rubber between the post and base, maybe we should start lining are bumpers with rubber, or some type of foam, or a foam-rubber combo?