Breakless Trial Bikes

I’ve been amazed by all the breakless trial videos on youtube recently, but I can’t find any information on actually doing it.

Understandably, riding without breaks is technically illegal in the United States, but that shouldn’t lower the amount of information on breakless trials.

So if anyone knows anything about it, I’d be delighted to hear what you know. :smiley:

Go to, do not post a thread before reading/searching, admit to being a 14yr old unicyclist and you’ll be okay. Also, don’t be a ‘retard’ or ‘fag’, and don’t be offended when somebody inevitably tells you to go s@#$ tranny n#$%^& c#$%, and proceeds to call you gay, despite the fact they looked up the above mentioned item.

Shy away from off topic, it’s full of dirty jokes, disgusting porn and general filth. I do enjoy it, but you should probably be older, and your parents probably wouldn’t want you hanging around there if they look at your history.

Breaks are when you temporarily stop working. A breakless Trials bike would be (a really heavy) one that never broke.

I think you’re talking about brakes. If you ride a bike without brakes on a highway, it would probably be unlawful in tons of places. Then again, if it’s a fixie I think it’s legal due to the braking system being “built in”. Otherwise, usually Trials is taking place off the highway so it might not be a legal problem.

Interesting new style of trials that suddenly got popular with the recent boom of 24" wheels becoming popular.

Crazy hard (not flatland BMX hard though) since it’s all freewheeling and you rely so much on weight positioning and all-over bike control.

However, wrong forum to go asking on. Most people here aren’t going to know, and neither am I to an extent as I’m not a brakeless rider. Not a fan of 24" wheels! :slight_smile:

OTN has plenty for you to read about and get bored about!