Boston marathon bomb this morning

Two were near the finish line. Mult injuries :frowning: no deaths :o

Newer updade: some deaths :(:frowning:

Third bomb, at JFK Library.

some things are almost to sad to write about

I knew right away, in my gut, it was a nut. That’s so sad. Mentally ill people are less violent in general, than normals, but this bomb job had nuts all over it. Just going to make the stereotype about mentally sick people worse.

Sad, sad, sad. They have a shot up sick 19 year old refugee now, from a shot out bombed to kazoo country who can’t explain why he did it. He doesn’t know, he’s nuts. But the world will wait breathlessly to hear what he says next. So sad, all around just sad.:frowning:

something fun

Diamond, like Elvis in my heart, yet cooler. An Icon from the 60’s, he decides to go to bean town and crash half time at a sox game, for free. You young ones won’t get it, sorta like me watching my grandma dance the Charleston when I was 12. It is kinda cool how the crowd knew the words though. This guy ruled am radio in the 60’s.

I think I have got it

I maybe understand it now. People put guns in their mouths and pull the trigger every day. By the hundreds, unnoticed, mostly but not totally. An odd fact , but most people who buy guns are afraid of a criminal pulling a gun on them. Yet if that happens, the chance the criminal will take a pause and let you get your gun (fair is fair), is small. Most gun fatalities are caused by the gun owner getting depressed and shooting themselves. Kind of depressing to ponder, but reassuring
if you see the world as not so dangerous. Just don’t get to depressed thinking about it.

Most gun deaths in the USA, hundreds a day, are caused by someone who puts their own gun in their mouth. What stops some of them? Besides the appalling lack of ammunition in this country ?

OK, I am going out on a limb here, because I have never shot myself , what do I know? Still, imagining it, once I had decided my life had no value to me, and I wanted to go, what would stop me ? Besides the appalling lack of ammunition in this country? Making someone else feel bad. If I posted on this forum that I was depressed and going to shoot myself , I worry some of you would feel bad. We are all connected. Anyway, don’t worry , there is an appalling lack of ammunition in this country.

So these brothers did something amazing. I hate them for it, and so do you, but lets pause for a sec and reflect. Not since Kennedy died was my first thought, but Johnson maybe thought he’d had worse days. MLK died and yet some folks still don’t like seeing all these streets named after him. Hitler annoyed me seriously for ruining a perfectly good mustache, yet someone in prison is having a swastika tattooed on their face as I write this.

Manson refused to read the paper. Even fat chicks were annoyed and Dalmer rolled over in his grave and puked. The Taliban were disgusted. We are all jealous of these running lean fucks that never get tired. I was a distance runner and after 10 miles I was dead. That was my best and if I had to take another step I would just die , bombs are superfluous at this level of sport.

For the love of god, sport, humanity, anything even Al Quida could see a shred of sense in, why didn’t they blow off the bomb at the starting line? To make them run all that way for that ?, Any non asshole bomber (are there any?) would kill them before they almost kill themselves. It was a new low. Baby cannibals are now second tier of evil and Stalin has been demoted. This is game changing. To be a true shit has now become much harder.

All levity aside, I think the brothers were suicidal, like the Columbine guys.
What stops someone with a gun in their mouth from pulling the trigger? An appalling lack of ammunition in this country. Obvious. But also, in this case, well think about it. Who, in the world, do you care least about ? When the first brother was shot, did you cry? I know you didn’t. When the second brother dies, he will off himself, it will be the least mourned death in history. Gonna happen.They were depressed sick guys that wanted to be unwanted before they left. The trigger pull gets so light once you are sure it’s what everyone else wants. You know it, that pop ain’t gonna break your heart.

You have a fascinating way of looking at things. And an unfair hate of runners. I respect those runners for the same reason as you; I can’t run 10 miles either. :slight_smile:

Then they were lousy suicides. Like the guy who screws up jumping off a tall building, why not place their bombs with surgical precision by being there when they went off?

Then again, they might have survived since their bombs weren’t super-deadly. I think the jury is still out on motive, but whatever it was, I get the feeling it wasn’t very focused.