Wow this english class at Bismarck State College is really boring. We’re in the Library right now and there is some lady talking about how to use the internet to research whatever. haha. SOO BORING. I did all this stuff in highschool anyway. She keeps making jokes, NO ONE laughs. Of course though that makes me laugh, whatever. “The publib library uses a system called… Oh shoot my brain just froze.” haha, She’s pretty dumb too. Well yep yep, I guess i’m done. Going to try to find something to do. I’m in the back corner of the room by the A.C. so no one can really see me. haha, Sneaky sneaky. Laters
That is like teaching simple addition to an algebra class. How many people this day and age have made it to college without doing internet research? I would be bored too.
As I’m not there, I can not definitively speak to the specifics. However, as a librarian, I can bet that she is not merely attempting to point out sources, but also to teach the rigorous standards for citing material. Such skills, as we all here know, tends to create a sense that the research presented is authoritative and defensible.
Presumably some of his peers and perhaps even Shaun himself will go on to careers in academia, science, policy making, or even teaching, where standards of research and citation should be high.
My brother and a number of my friends are teachers and professors who routinely describe the sloppiness and outright theft that is presented by high school and college students as research. Students who blithely profess their expertise at using the Internet for research.
And while I’m not suggesting that the material is exciting or that this particular librarian is any good at presenting it, a bit of attentiveness wouldn’t hurt.