Bored without a uni

I was bored when I was in SLC last week without a toy (unicycle, bicycle, roller skis), so I drove by the high school running track and decided to give it a whirl. I figure I hit rock bottom on the boring scale when I decided to do this!

Anyway I proceeded to warm up for 2 miles. I felt pretty good (and there was a girl with a dog watching) so I decided to see if I could do a mile in 8 minutes. 7 minutes and 58 seconds later I crossed the line without hurting too bad.

Since I still had quite a bit of energy left (and there was still a girl with a dog watching) I decided to see if I could run another mile a little faster. 7 minutes and 35 seconds later I crossed the line. The girl with the dog was giggling every time I ran past her.

Inspired by the attention, I decided to see if I could run another mile even faster than the last. 7 minutes and 5 seconds later I crossed the line. The girl with the dog appeard to be ogling me, and giggled even more with that manly effort.

Wanting to break 7 minutes and thinking the girl with the dog might be even more excited with a manly MAXIMUM effort, I proceeded to go for it. 6 minutes and 58 seconds later I crossed the line!

After a few minutes of rolling around in the grass I felt human again. Pleased with the results of this last effort I walked over and asked my wife what she thought about what she just saw. She said she had never seen an ass that fat move around a track that fast! Starving for anything that even resembled a compliment, I walked away flattered.

8 days later I am still not recovered (physically) from this insanity! Unicycling even at intense efforts is much easier than running. Try it and see!



Well done on all accounts, Dan.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

What did the dog say?

Boredom do to lack of uni can do horrid things. I have had to do alot of work lately, and am letting my ankle heal. I think I am going to explode by the time motorama gets here. Hopefully, I will still be able to ride. Nice job on those miles. Sometimes it feels so good to run.

  • Sal

awesome narration.

should have gone for under 6:00

he he:D

Man, don’t even run if there isn’t a giant trophy or at least a ribbon. And that’s why I love the cross country team… 3000m of pure trail running mayhem… across beaches, through woods, over the open plains of the schoolyard and the like. Yes, and it is harder to run than to unicycle. I still love those ribbons though… Mmmm… ribbons…

Hey, I’m a good sportsman, don’t gimme any of that run to have fun crap… :wink:

It’s good to see/hear about people running, only if it is because of boredom. And I know what you mean, I haven’t been able to unicycle for a week now I think. I was gonna go this evening, but I don’t know if I will. It’s just so cold… and and and unwarm… Even when I unicycle and hop all the time I’m a bit cold.

Down in the dirty South we run 5k.

This damn dog of ours cant talk like Buster can. However, she did give me a couple of sniffs then looked up as if to say " what an awesome Daddy"

Dogs are great.