My stepdad was good at them. But not anymore, I’ve tried, and got it to come halfway back. But there pretty hard. Maybe I will pick it up again.
A friend of mine had one of those tri-boomerang things. It had 3 ‘wings’ on it, and was made of plastic. It was awesome, we went to the largest local park, and spent about 4 hours throwing it and perfecting the technique. It flew really well, and was surprisingly easy to catch if you threw it right. Some occasions i didn’t move from where i launched it and it came back to within a meter or so.
I’ve made one not real difficult. I made it heavier for unting I killed pheasants with it. I still do because I get a free bird liscense with my mule and white tail deer tags so I stuff it in my quiver with my arrows and if I see one I throw at it.
If a person works at it getting it to return isn’t real difficult.
Advanced boomerang technology.
When we were in Perth I bought a bunch of different Rangs Boomerangs, and still have them. They are a blast, though I’m not current with them.
When my little-at-the-time girl wanted to go throwing with me, I took her but got too nervous in the field to make a good session. The wind was to squirrely that day to have any control.
If you are often going out alone, a set of 2-3 boomerangs of differing weights/characteristics is much more entertaining than a Frisbee.
One thing I particularly enjoyed was going to a local school (which was empty; it was after hours) and throwing hard at the windows, only to have it curve nicely back into my hands without doing any damage.
Aside from the ensuing shouting matches, that sounds like great fun.
I could make a whole day outta dog-boomeranging… bring a picnic basket, some beers, a quiver of boomerangs, and pick off the little yappers as soon as they’re let off their lead. Almost as much fun as airsoft-hunting squirrels
someone actually threw a frisbee at me to catch while i was riding today…it was exciting
I wouldn’t call it a big thing but I’d say it’s a sport a lot people enjoy playing in their free time.
Funny that. I find hippies to be quite trainable. Maybe even better than a smart dog. If you throw a frisbee at one, he’ll usually catch it and throw it back. It’s amazing. You should try it.
there is frisbee golf, which is loads of fun, and most courses are free to play at.
I threw a frisbee and it came back and hit me on the side of my head.
Damn, I fall for your avatar every time! How clever!
I saw this on and it reminded me of this thread. How to make your own boomerang.
Crap! I listened to thejdw’s avatar again!