Books Never Written (another useless thread)

Greg Harper - Dress for Success

The Great Outdoors: Emily Dickinson

The Complete Book of Hairstyling: GILD (co-authored by Harper)

That about covers all of it.

Readong for DUMMIES!

How to be the Sexiest Human Being Alive-C.A. Meneely

Not written yet

The Bacon Cookbook, by Eric Pearson

Quoting as Creative Writing, by Billy T. Mountain

Answers – All of Them, by John Childs

Will never be written…

Don’t Take My Picture, Damn It!, by UniTyler

Grammar Is For Wimps, by Miss Ayelery

Guide to Emoticons and Net-Speak, by Greg “LOL” Harper

Get to the Point! The Definitive Guide to Saying What You Want to Say in as Few Words as Possible – Or at Least Trying To, by David C. Lowell

When will Don’t Take My Picture, Damn It!, by UniTyler by available. How much will it cost. I don’t have much cash and I wonder if some of my unicycling friends want to help me out by giving me a chapter here and there. I promise I’ll put it to good use and make several low quality videos of me riding it.

snipe your brother without guilt: By PDC

reading help for the illiterate…

“Braille for the deaf.”


Evan Byrne coming October

Art of Audiophile Sound by Amar Bose

For any layman who may have wandered in: The joke is that, had Miss Ayelery written it such a book, she would have used propper capitalization. The title would have been “Grammar is for Wimps”.

“how to write unambiguous sentences in plain English” (the American Association of Technical Writers). :astonished:

Wheel-walking in the Rain, by Torus Slickety

Skilled wheelwalkers were doing this in the rain at Raphael’s Unithon in New Jersey!!!

He could write the book!

No, you can note in Dave’s original post that he is not consistent about using capitalization with articles, prepositions, connectives, etc.

The joke is that Miss Ayerley is all about grammar. Grammar, and rebuffing my amorous advances, is her function on this forum. She would never suggest that grammar is for anyone other than the strong willed.

So it follows that she would never write the book entitled:

Grammar is for Wimps

Yeah, so?