Bongo The Bear, The Best Unicyclist Ever?

A good buddy of mine recently ask me “what is the best unicycle video to learn from?” I quickly went my database in my brain of the videos I’ve seen; Universe, One Tired Guy, Into the Thunder Dragon, George Peck’s Rough Terain Unicycling and then it hit me like a ton of bricks…Bongo the Bear is flat out the best unicycling video ever! Bongo is doing stuff that Kris Holms dreams about. My favorite is when he is coasting on a floating log. I’ve seen Kris ride logs, but never while the log is spinning and floating.

Has anyone seen this awsome extreme video of Bongo?


What I did this morning…
“I got up this moring at 6 am,
got a little jelly got out the jam,
took out the bread, put it into the slot,
I pulled down the lever and the wires go hot
I made toast”

I used to watch Bongo when I was a kid. Saw it again recently just for fun. It has a lot of MUni in it. Did MUni even exist in 1947? I guess in cartoons it did.

Damn, he invented MUni too?

Skrew George Peck and Kris Holm Bongo invented MUni

“vids or it didn’t happen”

Bongo bear 1947 on youtube and there is Muni in most of the film

Oh snap, he is the greatest! Kris got nuthin on Bongo, 200 foot dive, land on a wet sponge.

Links for people.