Bobble Heads

At the risk of, well, whatever, may I present these for your consideration:

And check out the home page cause His mom is “Coming Soon”.

And I thought I was irreverent.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, N

It’s going to be OK Raph’, just come on down from that key board- everything is going to be ALL RIGHT. No ones making any sudden-

QUICK, GRAB HIS HANDS- I’VE GOT THEY CORD. Kay’, let’s tie him off… Hey! Hold him, HOLD HIM!

That was close, now run crowed control while I contact the station…

Control? This is Rhysling. We’ve got a 149-01 here, ready for pick up. No, he’s safe- can’t reach the keyboard, it’s behind his back. Thanx, Control.


rhysling: 1777 (2.71 posts per day)
JJuggle: 949 (1.21 posts per day)

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Ahhh, how the mighty have fallen; I get teary-eyed thinking back to my 3.5-4 per day days… makes me whistfull… like Franky’s speech at the end of the Rocky Horror, or when Cong started his climb to the top, you just knew it was going to end badly.

Raph’s post generally reflect thought and research, where mine are just off-the-cuff fluff. Surely there needs to be an adjustment to the effective number of posts, or Post Weight.

Let’s see… run some numbers here… carry the 2… humm, yes.

Raph has a PW figure of 1.985, giving an humidity adjusted (feels like) post count of . . . . . . 1884 (there is a raging debate over weather fractional values are perceptible -I’m of the ‘Yes’ camp).

Independent council has reached a PW figure of .69 for myself (thank you, Nielson Families), issuing the following statement “New Chris just doesn’t have the substance of the Old Formula. He’s just, well, fluff.” A quick pull of the slide rule yields a paltry post count of 1227 for my simian self.

Brain to the mat, I struggle futilely under the superior weight of your content. Uncle, Uncle I say!



Conan O’Brian had some of those on his show before.Kung Fu Jesus is pretty funny.