didnt click the link, i will at home though, not at school, i was blue man group like once though
are those pictures towards the end supposed to scare my weak mind into being afraid of cars and some ice falling down?
I laughed out loud though.
You know, I acctualy read an article were these wacky global warming looneys said that we were acctually causing gloabl warming by cleaning up the enviorment TOO MUCH, removing the polutants and stuff so that the suns radiation was hitting earth harder and thus making it even hotter out there.
You don’t need to be afraid, because you’ll be long dead by the time the Earth dies. It’s your descendants that need to worry.
I’d be interested in seeing that article…
pretty interesting
That video was sooooo pretentious. I think that hurts the cause more than it helps.
I just saw them live in boston 2 days ago…it was pretty cool.
It probably helps if you’ve seen a Blue Man Group show. It is presented in their style of entertainment. All they’re saying is “Think about it! Find out more about global warming!” Smokestacks represent air pollution. Falling ice represents shrinking ice caps. Three blue heads represent silliness.
Their show was great, and I’d like to see them again sometime. They recently moved their Las Vegas show from the Luxor to the Venetian, up the street. Among other things, in their show they buried the entire audience in toilet paper. That’s a lot of toilet paper! Not really toilet paper actually, more like crepe paper…
Ya, Im guessing you saw “tubes”? During that someone threw me a giant roll of that stuff…I grabbed the end and threw it into the middle of the audience.
There… I fixed your post for you. No need to thank me.
Oh c’mon… how could you not think it was pretentious? That condensending voice… “please locate your nearest emergency exit… THERE AREN’T ANY!” DUH DUH DUH!!! I mean, yea, if I were six I suppose that’d be clever, but I’m not.
I’m all for stopping global warming as much as the next guy, but that video adds nothing to the debate. I like the blueman group. I like their style, but I don’t think their style mixes well with a political message. It’s like the teletubies telling me the Iraq war is wrong or Barney singing about illegal immigration. It just doesn’t fit.
yeah, that was my favorite part, and the jello cake thing, and the twinkies