This is the second day in a row I’ve almost passed out from a ride of only an hour, and I’m used to the heat. Going up to SB tomorrow and I sure hope it’s a little cooler. Right now, even at 7:30, Muniing in So Cal is torture. Actual heat waves are welling off the trail by 9.
In my dreams, John. I just got back from 10 days in Venezuela so I’m locked into work pretty much till Cal Muni weekend. You guys lay a good one down for me while you’re there.
Our MUni ride on Cowles Mt. in San Diego was great this morning, except for my several failed attempts at suicide. We started up for the first run about 7:30. We went back up for a second run down about 11:00. I was drenched in blood, sweat and dirt. Jon and Jake were barely ruffled. But it’s all good.
(In my lame defense, I’m older than their combined ages.)
We’re scheduled to ride again on the morrow if today’s debilitating crashes turn out not to have left any permanant mark on my psyche or body.
HEHEHEHE YAY!!! It’s averaging 103-105 here, but I get to go to Tacoma in August. I’m bringing my uni, but I prolly won’t get to ride much because I have to help my sister move into her dorm. It’ll be nice though, and FRESH SUSHI!!!
It’s 10:30 p.m. here in San Antonio and it’s 87 degrees with 77 percent humidity (makes it feel like 93).
I’m going out for my first MUni ride in months tomorrow and I hope the heat doesn’t kill me:(
It may be perfect weather on the Coast, but over here it’s been around 95-100 degrees several days this week. Last Monday I went for a long (40 some mile) bike ride with my mother and brother, and they both got sunstroke. (I didn’t, probably since I work outdoors all day and so I am more used to the heat.)