Bitten on the arse

  1. If you had my job, you would hear people barking like dogs every day.
  2. If you lived in Nottingham…

In Nottingham, I once saw a chap put his hand down the back of his trousers, deposit a turd in his hand and then wipe it on a telegraph pole as he walked past. :astonished:

I could’ve lived the rest of my life without reading that.

I meant exactly what I said… :slight_smile:


A syntactical ambiguity that prompts amusing visualisation.

I’m sure Mikefule could’ve lived the rest of his life without seeing that…

…and no, I’m not going to post pictures of the wound.

Yeah, that sucks. A couple years ago I got nipped in the leg by a dog when riding my mountain bike on a trail. If the owners hadn’t grabbed their dog so quickly, it would’ve ended up in the river below.

Ever since, whenever I encounter a dog I get off my bike or unicycle and put it between myself and the dog. That way I can jab it with a pedal if it comes near me. :wink: