Birth Announcement: Nola Holm

Nh 20

New product line is almost here :wink:


I love it! That’s great.


congratulations Papa :astonished: :smiley:

Please Kris ensure Nola gets this message in best delay:

Dear Nola,
Welcome down here, and please forward my sincere congratulations to your parents!
Could you do me a favor and be -well- as cute as you indeed seem to be from the picture provided by your dad, but not cute to the point that your dad would lose his focus on making great unicycle parts?
Perhaps you’ll understand the whole story behind that in a few years from now, but trust me, many people will owe you many things if you manage to not drive your dad totally crazy about you, and not make him too Nola-centric.
Thanks in advance, MadC - on behalf of… a few others!


OK, got it =) It will be hard but I will try…

Congratulations and have fun!
Keep posting pictures as she grows up.

Congratulations, beautiful baby!

I’m looking forward to the future KH Chariot unicycle attachment, so I don’t have to ride the bike as often! :slight_smile:

Great news Kris, she looks lovely, but you know that anyway.

She’s beautiful Kris. Congratulations and enjoy your time as a new dad.

Congratulations Kris! Thanks for sharing with us.

Oh my, it’s only now that I read about this great news :d
Congratulations Kris and Shannon. I wish the best to your family!
Cheers to Nola :slight_smile:

Hope these first few months have been precious and you have been enjoying your little one!

welcome Nola


(Congratulations in Hebrew):slight_smile:

happy late fathers day

Hey thanks! It’s going pretty well - it’s unbelievable how much babies change in such a short time. Less sleep and more riding much closer to home, but had a nice Fathers Day gift in the form of a family hike/ride (Shannon carrying Nola, me riding).


Fun times for sure. Mine are 4 and 6. I just bought a Torker 16 inch for my 6 year old (no KH 16 inch yet? lol), but he hasn’t learned to ride yet. I had to cut almost 6 inches from the seat post for him to reach the pedals. I can’t wait until he is ready to join me for some Muni… hahah. I’ve also done the family ride/hike combo a few times. We usually do a geocache on those trips. My kids call it “treasure hunting.”

Belated Congratulations to you and your wife, Kris. I’m sure she’ll be riding a unicycle before she learns to walk. he he. She is beautiful.

Congratulations, Kris! Welcome, Nola Holm!
She is beautiful!

From Russia with love

4th birthday

Hey Kris,

somehow I missed ths before, but that means your daughter is 14 days older than my oldest. I guess you guys just celebrated her 4th birthday :slight_smile:

Next week for my daughter’s birthday she will be getting a cut-down frame 16" unicycle as she’s been wanting to try mine for months now and keeps talking about how she’s going to learn (she’s tall so I only had to cut it a few cm). She may not actually be able to ride for a while, but at least she can try whenever she wants to.

We just spent the afternoon at the local pump track and she’s having fun on her 16" mountain bike.