Bikes of San Francisco

I’m not familiar with the Bay area. Did these guys get it about right?

The left out Muni (though Muni isn’t exactly an area in SF). Muni is the name of the public transport system in SF.


I LOLled.

From what I know of the various 'hoods in San Francisco, they’re pretty spot on. Here’s my best explanation.

The Mission district has a lot of trend-followers, hence the fixie, while the financial district attracts a lot of commuters. The Haight (think Haight-Ashbury, deadheads, etc.) is the epicenter of weirdness, hence the unicycle. Fisherman’s Wharf is chock full o’ tourists, and you see a lot of cycle-taxis about on the weekends.

The Castro has a gym on every block, so the exercise cycle is very apropos. The Embarcadero is a concrete playground you’d swear was made for skaters and BMXers (and the occasional trials unicyclist). The Tenderloin is the most sketchy 'hood in SF… crackheads abound… you rarely see a bike locked up there as they disappear quickly.

Great find, thanks for sharing!

Haight Street Unicyler

Yeah I was in San Francisco a little while ago and I saw a guy cruzing down the sidewalk on a 24" Torker DX on Haight St so that’s pretty accurate.

I’m just amazed there aren’t any segways on the chart…

Segways would go with the pedicab. There are segway tours around that same area.

Segways vs. unicycles

I wonder what noe valley is?

I’m guessing a lot of families in that 'hood. Kids out on their trikes.

Ah ok, so not carnie folk then.

Spot on. There’s a few neighborhood cliches missing, a low-rider for Hunter’s Point or a dirt bike for GG park or freak bikes for the Richmond. You might not get all of them unless you’ve lived here a while. You’d be surprised at how few hipsters can ride their fixies well, lots just opt out for a poser single speed. I live 5 minutes from haight ashbury(ride the wiggle every morning for my commute) but I’m usually riding my unicycle towards the beach to pick up on babes. I live in the Sunset but I have the presidio bike for commuting and the uni’s for play. Noe Valley has a ton of schools and quiet neighborhoods with lots of families, although it’s got some super steep hills, so I can’t imagine anyone getting anywhere on that trike. :stuck_out_tongue: Not a lot of segways here or at least I rarely see them.

It’s the same in Portland. Lots of single speed bikes that look like fixies. Few actual fixies. My unscientific observation is that Seattle has a higher ratio of actual fixies to wannabe single speeds trying to look like a fixie.

Course I’m not one who rides a fixie well in the urban hipster wannabe bike messenger fixie riding style. I ride my fixie like a road bike. It has front and rear brakes, roadie drops, and egg beater pedals. I don’t skid to a stop and I don’t track stand. Being clipped in tends to discourage track stands. Skinny jeans hurt my balls. But at least I ride it fixed and like it that way.


I like the sunset one.