End Bike Supremacy! Refuse to be marginalized!!
Hey everybody! We’re already marginalized. There’s got to be 10 different magazines for bicyclists, and maybe ONE for unicyclists (and no local shops carry it). There’s bike shops everywhere, but even in NYC, there’s NO unicycle shops. Most kids are encouraged to learn to ride a bike. How many are encouraged to unicycle? It’s rare, I can tell you.
If you get the feeling there’s a systematic BIAS against us, you are correct!!
If you feel like you get more comments due to unicycling than other people get biking or walking, it’s probably true. THEY are doing this to you, and you do not deserve this.
They have marginalized you.
Now that we’re organized, we have power, and they should fear us.
We unicycle, and we vote!!!
Everytime I ride down a bike path along the edge of the road, I see these stencils of 2-wheeled vehicles every 100 feet or so. They’re rubbing it in our faces, that we as unicyclists do not belong on THEIR bike path. Personally, I can’t stand it. I don’t think you should take this crap either. It’s beneath you to allow yourself to be treated as second class.
Get mad! Don’t take it any longer!!
It’s time to fight the power!!! Let’s take back the bike paths!!! We have just as much right to them, if not moreso!!
Write to the president of your unicycling club, of the Unicycling Society, and the International Unicycling Club, demanding they lobby to stencil unicycles on those paths!!! Call your assembleymen and local legislators, state legislators and even federal lawmakers. Heck, let’s contact those in the big secret World Government, and have them stencil UNICYCLES on those paths!!
Let’s BAN the word Bike Path from the language. It’s the language of the bike suprematists. The FBI allows Bike Supremacy groups to run races in our PUBLIC PARKS!! This has got to end. This is the government SUPPORTING bike supremacy! Watch out, before you know it, they’ll be rounding up the unicyclists and putting us behind barbed wire.
We will NOT be marginalized any longer!!! END unicycle marginalization!!!
If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!
Power to the Unicyclists!! Right on!!
PS: And for those like me who unicycle with their dog on a leash, try to get them to stencil THAT on the “Unicycle-with-Dog Path.”
Unicycle-with-Dog people UNITE!!! We have NO magazine devoted exclusively to our needs and interests. We have no national or international events.
and would you believe, peopel have the nerve to LAUGH when they see me unicycling with my dog, as if it’s FUNNY!!! My dog cannot take it much more. She’s PROUD of her skills.
My dog will be running the agility course with me unicycling beside her. I think this should be an Olympic event!!! Don’t you? And Unicycle-Dog Track and Field events! the 400 meter, the 1200 meter, the marathon. My dog does a 10k race on leash with me unicycling her several times/week.
No. I did not copy and paste this from the internet. These are really MY ideas.