That’s weird man…I like it. Someone once a long time ago posted a really creepy music video that had a giant head on a unicycle, it was creepy.
I have an urge to go outside and ride. <cyclops smiley>
The unicycling world is growing people, thanks to the John Butler Trio.
It’s tholub!
I think its a KH trials
Nah man, it’s clearly a jugglebug with the huge plastic “spokes.”
He did a pretty sweet trials line on those gear wheels.
I lurrv John Butler Trio. Trust them to be cool enough to use unicycling in their vid.
Sooo… am I looking to deep to see that when the eyeball character gets untangled from everything and starts to find his own way, (goes outside and sees the real world) that’s when he starts walking instead of unicycling…? Should I be offended somehow?
(naw… just messing… cool video… never heard of the group before… they sound pretty good…)
Are you talking about this ?
The uni-eye and the bass line were the stars… great!
Hopping really comes in handy if you want to save yourself from being chewed to pieces… note to self to practice even more
I liked how the unicycle guy always seemed to be properly balanced. Good animation!
three words W T F