Big drop

Here is a drop me and my brother do.

pretty sweet!

what uni are you on?

Re: Big drop

Looks great! How often do you land it ok and how often do you crash?


“uni-j” <> wrote in message
> Here is a drop me and my brother do.
> ±---------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Attachment filename: img_8197.jpg |
> |Download attachment: |
> ±---------------------------------------------------------------+


hey uni-j,

the picture is really great ! but is it a standard unicycle (?) - then must be the rim destroyed after this big drop…


Re: Big drop

foxx wrote:
> hey uni-j,
> the picture is really great ! but is it a standard unicycle (?) - then
> must be the rim destroyed after this big drop…

It looks like there’s a nice slope at the bottom to accommodate a
rollout, which would help minimize the impact.


Hmm Jason,

maybe you’re right, there is a slope. But if the wheel get’s crooked on the ground, it isn’t good for it…
We need a “before” and a “after” picture.


That is a nice drop, sloped landing and all. One thing, where’s your helmet. :astonished:

its been clinically proven that a toque is as effective a safety device as a helmet. duh. (and if you didnt know i was being sarcastic, please get someone to smack you)

Re: Big drop

nj_extremuni wrote:
> One thing, where’s your helmet. :astonished:

I think the question should be, “Where’s your other wheel?” The answer
of course… “Neatly folded in a small box” :wink:


I dont know what my uni is but it has held up to these big drop. Nothing is bent or tweaked. And at the bottom of the drop is some dirt i put to pad the landing and there is just a little slope. And my helment is at home. forgot to wear it i guess. how big are the biggest drops you guys have done. did i mension i’m 14 years old. Thanks


Hey- that’s nifty; I would roll someth’n like that, but wouldn’t begin to think about dropping it. Could you get some video?


Re: Big drop

Sorry, my english is bad, but i hope you can understand me :slight_smile:
I have some videos about (m)unicycling from Kris Holm and other freaks…

Servus Finn

hey uni-j. im filming for a unicycling video right now, and the biggest one ive done is about 5’7" off of a skinny concrete thing onto flat pavement. its snowy right now so theres no place i can ride, but as soon as i can go out again, i’ll try an 8 footer onto pavement just for the vid and your amusement purposes (as in youcan laugh at me when i crush my erm… genitals from it :roll_eyes: ) lates, Kevin
everyone else post your highest too!

The kid fails to mention he’s hanging out with Josh Bender that day as wel…

Re: Big drop

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Servus Finn

That is cool you are making a video. I want to see it when you are done. so e-mail at when it is finished.

Thanks: Jimmy

Yes i do ride josh benders trails with him and brothers here it the pic.
